Message from @Lyngblomst
Discord ID: 615395295613681687
to be completely honest, i cannot say
i'm inclining "no"
but if i did that today, i would have not an ounce of doubt in my mind
i feel so bad, looking back
how i did not take seriously so many things
i feel like it's my fault somehow
that he became what he is today
being a bad example and all
most likely
but that doesn't matter now
what's done is done nigga
yeah gotta move on and stuff
though that means it's my responsibility
more than anyone else's
i fear for his soul
and i curse my own weakness
it'll be ok el
he might die tomorrow
he might die today
why, is he terminally ill?
it's just always a possibility
then its probably not gonna happen
i like to think so as well
yeah we might all die at any point but there is no point living in fear that way
i'd just like for him to see the light as soon as humanly possible
but today i knew, that day was far, far away
just when i thought it was soon
if you keep living your best life and continously set a good example even when he rebels against it he may still come back aroud
You should live every day like you have to face God tomorrow
@ElPacho just give it time
Sit down with him, talk to him face to face
Be there for him as an older brither
Ive gone through a degenerate phase in high school too
you still are going through one dirty prot