Message from @Corset

Discord ID: 316104462320009216

2017-05-21 00:20:42 UTC  

Well, who knows, maybe it turns out all the revisionism since Deng was all a plan? lol

2017-05-21 00:21:08 UTC  

Could be

2017-05-21 00:21:13 UTC  

For real, though, I am skeptical, but it would be amazing.

2017-05-21 00:21:17 UTC  

I really doubt, personally, that Maoism would return to China under Xi. For one, the party was filled to the brim with multimillionaires and bourgeois elements, to the point where most of the party is under the control of bourgeois forces. Secondly, even if Xi consolidates his powers and has these good intentions, he would have to purge huge numbers of party members. It just wouldn't be possible for him to do this on his own, without some kind of cultural revolution, and it would most likely devastate the party in the short-term.

2017-05-21 00:21:40 UTC  

He's already purging people

2017-05-21 00:21:48 UTC  

He would have to purge more than half the party.

2017-05-21 00:22:41 UTC  

And part of Maoism is cultural revolution which with his current powers he could do. And purging lots of the Party could be done if he gained enough influence and removed heads of any opposition as he is doing

2017-05-21 00:22:46 UTC  

The PSL is of the opinion that the Chinese Communist Party can still reverse course, so you're not alone in believing this about Xi. But personally I tend to be extremely skeptical, and it seems idealistic (not in the philosophical meaning) to me.

2017-05-21 00:25:04 UTC  

Well you should be skeptical as should everyone but I honestly don't see why he would take risks, remove rivals and possible opposition who are all part of the faction that made China extremely Capitalistic, and gather so much power into himself without planning on doing something huge such as the return of Maoism

2017-05-21 00:26:17 UTC  

Well, if those are his intentions, I certainly hope he is successful.

2017-05-22 06:40:29 UTC  

Question: what is the communist relationship with music and how should it be formed?

"Every artist, everyone who considers himself an artist, has the right to create freely according to his ideal, independently of everything. However, we are Communists and we must not stand with folded hands and let chaos develop as it pleases. We must systemically guide this process and form its result." - Lenin

2017-05-22 06:42:37 UTC  

@Deleted User why do you ask questions on which you know the answers?

2017-05-22 06:43:38 UTC  

@Corset Do I?

2017-05-22 06:43:49 UTC  
2017-05-22 06:44:04 UTC  

I was listening to classical and thinking: is this bourgeois?

2017-05-22 06:44:59 UTC  

Every matter is to be transformed but some will stay in history some will not.

2017-05-22 06:45:05 UTC  

Classics did stay

2017-05-22 06:45:08 UTC  

for a reason

2017-05-22 06:45:37 UTC  

What reason?

2017-05-22 06:46:16 UTC  


2017-05-22 06:46:43 UTC  

Of its time

2017-05-22 06:47:51 UTC  

@Deleted User you know the reaction of most people on Soviet art, right?

2017-05-22 06:48:05 UTC  

@Corset It's pretty?

2017-05-22 06:48:23 UTC  
2017-05-22 06:49:06 UTC  

@Deleted User We are just to enjoy it really. As a little extra.

2017-05-22 06:49:42 UTC  

Actually, it is really good.

2017-05-22 06:50:19 UTC

2017-05-22 06:50:27 UTC  

Quality is important at all times.

2017-05-22 06:50:45 UTC  

Unless it is quantity.

2017-05-22 06:50:51 UTC  

or a measure.

2017-05-22 06:51:19 UTC  

I see.

2017-05-22 06:51:50 UTC  

@Deleted User what do you see?

2017-05-22 06:52:18 UTC

2017-05-22 06:52:31 UTC  

I would like to know why it is quality. Because it expresses realism over impressionism?

2017-05-22 06:52:55 UTC

2017-05-22 06:53:37 UTC  

Any quality can be taken outside of its time. The best might stay.

2017-05-22 06:54:24 UTC  

For a time

2017-05-22 06:54:31 UTC  

You mean that the best qualities are enduring? They survive the dialectal process? They survive like in evolution?

2017-05-22 06:55:34 UTC  

@Deleted User of course. The best qualities are not even qualities. They are the essence.

2017-05-22 06:56:35 UTC  

Essence? (I am newish to diamat)