Message from @Himmler MI
Discord ID: 415372774081822730
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<:Upboat:406300019533152256> <:Upboat:406300019533152256> <:Upboat:406300019533152256> <:Upboat:406300019533152256>
@☇MISTER APEX☇ and me hit up tacoma today
Over 50 posters not bad for a guys first outing
My oh my that’s quite the job you’ve done there
Great photos too
Best bois.
@Goodest_Boy nice man, go big or go home!
Dat poor printer tho
@Thomas Ryan am I cool yet?
@HemorrhoidPi are those thumbtacks?
@Himmler MI yes. . .
i recommend buying a staple gun .
@Himmler MI no money at the moment, but that's the plan.
I always keep a small box of tacks with me when I poster. Just incase I run into something.
oh frick yeah
ok haldan
Dang, very nice @Himmler MI
Thanks, it was a team effort...
@Himmler MI thank you brother.
@Himmler MI good work, looks good
Thanks goys
Good shit
Thanks @Cory Johnson
@Himmler MI beautiful.
How long it stay up for?
Not as long as we would have liked.
But we didn't expect it to last, it was down town ann arbor which is pretty much the scummiest liberal cesspool in Michigan.
Ouch, seemed expensive.
yeah, we should have locked it in with chains