Message from @Kevin
Discord ID: 367313323353440257
Thats good!
Used to have a guy who was real good at sketching figures that I would then digitize and touch up, he went on a pilgrimige to Eastern Europe or something so he hasn't been of much help.
Thus why my figure in the poster looks shameful in comparison.
I like how its kind of an everyman, though. That works too
Yeah, sorta kinda. If you want to send some sketches my way I'd be more than happy to put them into something.
Ill work things up asap!
I like the concept but the dude in the picture is pudgy.
His stomach ratio doesn't match his arm size. Looks like he's a power lifter who doesn't regulate his carb intake, @Thomas Ryan
That paragraphs position is better on the side though. Good change.
Yep. That bro looks a little off^
solid gold.....
Is good but needs a beard
haha that's pretty good
Lol, metal album posters from now on.
@NDO Eric - TX He's big boned.
That's a borderline Boomer meme right there.
@Kevin How are the docs treating you?
I'm home now for a bit no sense in waiting on tests to come back got tired of being there too they said they would call with results but for now steroids and antibiotics
I'm out of the hot water anyway not critical anymore probably shouldn't have let it go on so long but that's hindsight
Glad to hear that you are doing better
@FlintShrubwood welcome to PF
Kevin that's a pretty boomer tier meme
How old are you exactly, if you're boomer we need to know. For safety reasons.
26 lmao
Have you seen any boomer extremist material on YouTube recently
No actually I don't know what a boomer is lol I'm just a biker
Or have you considered joining any boomer extremist groups, like the Oathcuckers?
No lmao
How do you feel about social security
These are all questions we should ask during vetting imo
All questions I was asked before I believe anyway IMO I don't believe SS is going to be there when I retire government keeps raising the age brackets in essence I think it's a broken system now but that's just me
Now I'm imagining stormtroopers in a retirement home helping old folks pour their morning coffe. @Kevin
@Racist Milk TX should have gave him the real cossack hours beard
I'm always torn between growing a beard for SLAVIC/NORDIC aesthetic and clean shaven but I'm neither of those things
^neckbeard it up