Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 367170477837516800
They tried to come out and stand toe to toe
Maybe that's what I was thinking of, more of a propaganda victory in a few spots.
Anyhow, they'll definitely get roughed up by the cops in a few cities.
You can't try this stuff in a police state, you have to network until the state is weakened to the point where this type of unrest is actually effective.
Not really happy with this either. Not sure.
@FlintShrubwood You're an artist, help me out.
@Thomas Ryan We need a meaner edge in it. I like the overall concept 😉
Meaner edge?
I might try moving the paragraph to fill the vertical space to the left of the man. Put logo somewhere else. Idk how maliable the man is, but i might try making him more... glorious?
So have the text left-aligned?
I could put the logo on the right side of the bottom banner then
But that leaves some white space
The man isn't too malleable, unless I draw up another one
Id also be way into creating some manly men images for you. I love that stuff. Been looking at arno brecker
I love his work
This figure was loosely based on one of his reliefs
Thats good!
Used to have a guy who was real good at sketching figures that I would then digitize and touch up, he went on a pilgrimige to Eastern Europe or something so he hasn't been of much help.
I like how its kind of an everyman, though. That works too
Yeah, sorta kinda. If you want to send some sketches my way I'd be more than happy to put them into something.
Ill work things up asap!
I like the concept but the dude in the picture is pudgy.
His stomach ratio doesn't match his arm size. Looks like he's a power lifter who doesn't regulate his carb intake, @Thomas Ryan
That paragraphs position is better on the side though. Good change.
Yep. That bro looks a little off^
solid gold.....
Is good but needs a beard
haha that's pretty good
Lol, metal album posters from now on.
@NDO Eric - TX He's big boned.
That's a borderline Boomer meme right there.
@Kevin How are the docs treating you?