Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 412693166706130975
Isn't much substance?
Give me a question, and I will give you an answer.
Your statement you made last sufficed for the answer I was looking for
Gotcha, well don't hesitate to bring anything up if you're curious.
"The American identity has no substance but the swastika does"
Odds are I've been asked something similar before.
I didn't say the American identity has no substance
@southland That's not what he's saying.
I'm talking about the substance of this specific organization
The organization that you are a part of
Point being?
@southland He is more than free to ask questions about my positions.
Calm down folks.
Let's keep it civil.
I like this group, but seeing people talk so much shit about other groups gets to me a bit
I don't endorse the harsh critiques of other organizations. Everyone's stance to them should be at best neutral. Your mindset should be to provide an alternative if you believe they are doing something wrong, not to pull them down.
Regardless of your opinion on their methodlogy, You have to realize that if we were in a dire situation, people like the TWP and even the NSM would rally around us with shields in their hands.
And we would rally to theirs. Don't spend too much time in the general, its not healthy. @everyone
I would not stop them from doing so. The reasons we do not currently work with them are simply organizational, not personal. I would have no issues with helping them if one of them was in need.
I enjoy shitposting about anyone but when it comes to the bigger picture we all have common ground when it comes to who the enemy is..
I am speaking purely of political positions and branding choices, not on the basis of personal value.
I'm not talking about TWP. Questioning the substance of your own organization based around not using the swastika is a little strange to me, but I'll leave it at that if I'm in the wrong.
Dude, I'm not dogging you guys for not using the swazi, I was just trying to make a point. My question of ideological substance is largely unrelated to the point i was making about symbolism
Let's drop it. Points have been made.
If you have a question, feel free to ask.
@Thomas Ryan I can’t follow us on instagram
Says action is blocked
let's lighten the mood a bit
@Lucilomar - FL Odd. New to Instagram. Will figure it out. Any idea what it could be?
From what I’ve seen maybe it got reported or something. They’ve been deleting a lot of Fash instagrams, let me try again
It's still there fam.
Not that I can’t find it
I just can’t follow it