Message from @southland
Discord ID: 402558265738919967
Guns are never, never a good idea in a situation like that. The Blacks would kill you and get pardoned, or the police would kill you and get paid leave for a week. You and everyone like you gets slandered for months as terrorists. Keep the guns at home, and for the purpose of protecting the home.
@Alfred NC Engaging in F.U.N. Good luck.
RaHoWa-posting. Lol If it was like Baltimore or St. Louis, that's probably what it would turn into.
@Thomas Ryan Wait, he actually applied? PF endorsed public sermons when?
@Hussar wait for real?
I was asking Thomas if the priest Smiter talked up actually applied.
Yeah, im curious to
Unless another guy calling himself a priest in IL applied.
Idk, that guy looked like a jew
He was wearing funny pants like a leftie would wear
If he's a non jew, thats pretty bad ass.
`These new white supremacists are coming not with tiki torches but with reasoned arguments, buttressed by facts and figures, to make palatable racist ideas that many people, deep down, have always felt were true.`
`As Shane Bauer, a reporter for Mother Jones, tweeted in response to the Times story: “People mad about this article want to believe that Nazis are monsters we cannot relate to. White supremacists are normal ass white people and it’s been that way in America since 1776.”`
So, you want to stop the normalization of Whites taking their own side? Better show the arguments of the "nazis", say they're reasonable and factual, and not provide any possible rebuttal, and then say that all Americans are racist anyways because they're White.
This is what families used to look like, by the way, when there wasn't mechanized fetus dismemberment institutions and a multitude of sterilizing drugs for women marketed as freedom pills.
This is what families should look like
Best form of activism is raising ten race conscious Christian children
On a farm
That's a photo of a family put out of their home by the dust storms in Oklahoma I believe in 1939, but they still look happier than folks today.
They had actual meaning in their life, not something fed to them by capitalist Jewish
@southland That's good, but gotta make sure all able-bodied young American men get out in the streets and fight for these communities' right to exist.
Let's hope they give us more coverage.
If you raise your sons to believe in the American struggle, they will fight.
@The_Human_Shoah Is on *Gig Harbor's Most Wanted*
I like how she poster a link to the org too. I drove by the postering site today, i feel like an arsonist going back to the scene to hear the investigators talk about his dastardly deeds 😇
@Rocky Place hey Dm jake about getting video to you
`An American is somebody who has his or her roots in America.`
Vaughn makes a bit of a mistake here, when he says this. He is correct, but he is conflating ancestry with roots. Africans were only ever here as slaves, and even now many believe they still are. They were always an "other", and always will be so long as there is not complete genetic assimilation. They admit this.
`You're going to build a movement that goes around autistically haranguing non-whites for not being American?
Amazing, can't wait to see the results of this movement.`
It's more about ignoring non-Whites, reaching out to Americans and building community and a heightened sense of identity and culture *as Americans.* Then taking the social capital gained from that and putting it to use with public movements and more private internal community building and lifestyle activism. (See: large families, self-sustainability, etc.)
`Ethnic identity a very strong foundation. Racial identity, not so much.`
`A good foundation is strong, local groups who have coherent identities, and what binds all the local groups together is national identity.`
He's exactly right, but misses the fact that the true and constant goal of America throughout the centuries has been to create a new ethnic identity which will form a national identity. Americans are not singularly one Euro ethnicity anymore, and beyond that our culture and way of life has long since diverged. You aren't going to convince Americans that they're in the same civilizational struggle as Ukrainians or Latvians or Scots, not without already having power.
To be honest, the idea that there's going to be a ***Hurrah!*** moment of siezing power and then all the non-Whites will be killed or deported or whatever is pretty fanciful. I feel like that's his main critique. I've spoken about this before, but it's more about getting the community-based territory of the nation, and then putting that into local government, and then leveraging that into broader approaches. Whether it's a political party gaining right to govern in Congress, or a mass movement of families and communities leaving the large cities and shunning the modern way of life (Not communes, though).
You're likely going to end up looking at an Aparthied style situation, either brought on by freedom of association or federal loss of legitimacy, can't say what the percentages will be, but you'll get to a certain state of agressive civic nationalism in the sense that you're going to need something that works in the transitory phase until demographic balance is achieved, which will take a couple generations conservatively.
I finally got suspended from twitter for calling will wheaton a “gay nigger faggot”
Yeah wheaton reports everything
>when people look right over your effort posts meant to inspire a good discussion
I read it all 😉
It seems the only arguments these guys have against it is "what if"
He makes a point about Africans that have put down roots here but I don't think a lot of black people think that way
they think of themselves as Africans or alternative americans
To be American is to be white, and I think most non whites see it that way
The label is kind of secondary, but they are most definitely an "other". Are you going to convince them to leave? Maybe not, because they know that living under an American welfare system is going to give them a better standard of living than anywhere else.
However, can you make Americans not legally need to associate with them? Yes. Can you not endorse their culture over that of Americans? Yes. Can you socially discourage mixing between the two populations? Yes. Can you make it so that they aren't financially better off by having tons more children? Yes. Will that effectively solve the problem over time? Yes.
@Thomas Ryan you nuked the chat last time I sat down to read your effort posts