Message from @Charlemagne MD
Discord ID: 322490413774536706
We can send a message of unity across the Eurosphere.
This is a civilization all conflict. It's not American Genocide, its White Genocide.
It would show that implicitly we are the same movement that Murdoch Murdoch is showing. It's also standard Anti-Communist colors and has a proven track record of triggering the SPLC.
These are the sheilds that vanguard America has
I agree with using that flag as well we should contact the Europeans to see if they are fine with us co opting that as a symbol
We don't have to ask anyone. We rally behind it. Simple as that
I'm in favor of that symbol.
Yeah there's not exactly a trademark department for revolutionary and insurgent organizations
They are already pan-European, so it's not like we are flying a Nordic Resistance Movement or Golden Dawn flag as ours. That said....
I do like having representative flags of those organizations at certain types of our events to show that we are part of a coalition of likeminded groups.
Here's another good banner idea.
Needs to have a towel on his head
Needs to be spelled EVROPA
I put together a quick thing to explain the basics of making a shield.
I put this together to explain the basics of making a shield
@Heinz - MI had good advice you spergs lol
I love this.
The official right Shield of the Great American houseboat
I'll make sure we have stickers to give out, lol.
@Roscoe Are you coming?
@everyone I'll be at the hotel at 1300 (1pm) if anyone is here already. Spread the word.
@Kurt14Lipper I'll be there with bells on. Or at least an Exo shirt.
Alright, if we're expecting over 200 attendees we need another 190-200 bullwhips, who can bring there own and who needs a sponsor?
Alright, here's what we do. We get whips, call them Islamic love strings, and say that we are showing Allah's love by whipping people. It will be islamophobic to oppose us.
We will be unstoppable literal white sharia.
That's slightly less insane than my swastika laden, open carry demonstration on the Washington Mall concept.
You mean open whip carry muslamonazi March on D.C.?
No last night I was being a jackass with the Va and Md VA guys who where complaining about muh optics.
You might still see it on their channel.
I told them I would go along with whatever they wanted for optics if the did a 10-15 person march Swastikas flying on the mall
Whether they open carried or not