Message from @bainbjorn
Discord ID: 322447249173118988
I see no problem with each actual group designing their own shields, so long as they form a cohesive block along the line
We're already going to have a mix of helmets, rectangular shields and round shields
Yes I understand the current affairs. But in the future we should strive for uniformity,
Agreed, definitely
What logo are you going with?
And what helmets? I will see if our guys want to do the same
I'll pull the links up in a little bit
as far as logos go, its our state organization's symbol
ultimately we need a US equivalent to the European Identitarian lambda
a movement symbol, rather than an organizations symbol
I agree completely. What we should also consider is dressing security the exact same but giving them a different patch to denote organization
Yes that would be most ideal. Allow each group its sovereignty but when coming together to unite the right we must LOOK united in appearance.
This is extremely critical
We can send a message of unity across the Eurosphere.
This is a civilization all conflict. It's not American Genocide, its White Genocide.
It would show that implicitly we are the same movement that Murdoch Murdoch is showing. It's also standard Anti-Communist colors and has a proven track record of triggering the SPLC.
These are the sheilds that vanguard America has
I agree with using that flag as well we should contact the Europeans to see if they are fine with us co opting that as a symbol
I'm in favor of that symbol.
Yeah there's not exactly a trademark department for revolutionary and insurgent organizations
They are already pan-European, so it's not like we are flying a Nordic Resistance Movement or Golden Dawn flag as ours. That said....
I do like having representative flags of those organizations at certain types of our events to show that we are part of a coalition of likeminded groups.
Here's another good banner idea.
Needs to have a towel on his head
Needs to be spelled EVROPA
I put together a quick thing to explain the basics of making a shield.
I put this together to explain the basics of making a shield
@Heinz - MI had good advice you spergs lol
I love this.
The official right Shield of the Great American houseboat
I'll make sure we have stickers to give out, lol.