Message from @Johnny O'Malley
Discord ID: 339161005848395776
Just question why the ADL even exists if not to stigmatize and attack white interests.
They own almost all of the major media companies.
They started as a defense fund for a Jewish rapist and what have they accomplished since? They have a hate list of people who don't want to rip down monuments to war heroes. Gtfo
Tell them “The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National Socialist.”
But change it to American patriot for the normies
I would not conversate about NF plans inside of <#321382026848763908> in a non vetted discord.
no worries bro im not a mod just saying.
I just ran across it on youtube
Security and opsec is under control as far as I can tell personally. if NSM shows up then much love.
drop the youtube then?
What I said was more so a warning for others not what you said originally.
@MadDimension make sure to ask NBC How Ben Rhodes got his job at such a young age?
And ask about his brother David, you know their boss. Same question?
lol they need a new graphics guy
@MadDimension @ the Boston rally sam Hyde trolled the media saying he was an oath cuck in an interview but it didn't air because he was way too obvious but I was literally pissing my pants
@MadDimension Simply ask "what kind of people require legislation to help combat hatred toward themselves? A people that have been exiled from 359 regions, municipalities and countries, which, by the way, is about twice the number of countries extant today. Was there something wrong with 359 different communities or just the one that kept getting thrown off of all those peoples' land across a great swath of space and time, thousands of years?"
@everyone Thank you all for your feedback on the NBC ADL piece. Here is the statement I ended up giving them:
I’m thrilled to be included in the ADL’s hot list of top movers and shakers in the conservative and right-wing movement.
I’m happy to be the enemy of the ADL, an organization which was founded to support child rapist and child murderer Leo Frank simply because he was Jewish.
And finally I think it’s very hypocritical for the ADL to devote their lives to attacking uppity whites when they support the ethnostate of Israel which denies citizenship to non-Jews
dude awesome
short and quick.
Special thanks to @wyatt for pointing out the ADL/Leo Frank connection
Great job
Well said
Hail victory
At least they used good photos this time.
@MadDimension Pro-Tip: When talking to Jewish Media about Jews always attack. Always.
Well done
Thanks for naming the jew, good stuff.
"That's a quote."