Message from @DamianThrockmorton
Discord ID: 339051454977409024
@Athena Marie nah, I'm more worried they might end up with some antifa showing up to surprise them. They were in the Facebook event talking about bringing kids 😕
I was mainly being facetious but you make a good point. I'll probably stick with the ladies back at the safe house and try to bake something for the guys.
Lol that's what I'm thinking. I wonder though if someone should warn them..
we should have sammiches for days
"Tragedy" yeah the tragedy is that they didn't all die now there's 30+ illegals getting hospital care on tax payer dimes... fucking spics
Isn't that how you're supposed to make refried beans?
@everyone Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents has requested an interview to talk about Unite the Right. I know there is some beef between him and others in the Alt-Right but I'm not up on it. Considering this is a unity event should I do the interview with him to promote our event?
Ask @Eli Mosley.
@Evan McLaren - PA He never responds
Ok, I'll DM you.
Personally I would say any publicity is good publicity
Greg is a faggot
By all means talk to Greg Johnson!
Do the interview. It's Unite the Right. Even if they write a hit piece we still win by being more willing to work across lines.
hes a faggot, but he has people that listen to him still so who gives a fuck
Actually, I can just put it here, @MadDimension -- Greg never fails to say that whatever Richard Spencer is involved in is leading our movement to disaster. Spencer puts his face out there and leads, and Greg alternatively shits on what he does in public, or works behind the scenes to undermine it. I would be very careful.
I do because almost all of them are already listening to other sources.
You're helping the faggot stay relevant
They are all going to run into each other--Johnson, Spencer, and Daniel Friberg--at Amren this coming weekend, so that may be something to observe, to see how Greg is posturing towards Unite the Right.
I will 100% stick up for Richard or any of our other speakers. I'm not concerned about that
There's no point
Jason there's really nothing to be gained and it will piss a lot of folks off but it's your call. He's pretty much universally disliked
His viewers already know about the event. All you do is grant him relevancy by doing an interview
He's also a faggot and should not be rewarded
He is a faggot clown that wants to turn our movement into a movement of faggot clowns.
Faggots are mentally deranged.
Actually on second thought, do the interview but just respond to every question with "I'm going to throw you into a bog" until he stops asking questions.
Stop supporting them and stop pretending that they are normal.
He's a fucking pedophile too because they all are.
Fuck the kikes and fuck NAXALT bullshit.
"Orders from Sodomites will not be obeyed"
Retweet. This is from our attorney
i see no problem with doing an interview with ol grindr grids greg johnson
any publicity is good
Nope, it's a form of support.