Message from @Yankee
Discord ID: 329152753819451403
Thats not even a question
Bring 3
Bring *88*
We will be minus one participant if someone attempts to burn Siege.
@Goldstein Riots nice find. That's the first one I had seen. Don't know if I want to read the replies.....
Nevermind- I looked and I loved them 😂
88 isn't enough. 1,488 would be perfect. @HipToTheJQ
Wow, you're original
Since she's always out with us for dinner and what not with Jason, we had already dubbed her the 'littlest nazi'
Leave it up to the media to think something as beautiful as a white mother and child is "heartbreaking"
@ManWithTheHand showed some friends your pic and got this one back hahaha
Hitler youth, eh?
this will never not be funny to me
Read siege, burn your house down, move to Belize
Weren't you just advocating to burn siege 🤔
This may sound odd.. But my CDL class group is a mixed bag of white, black, mexican. I never really innitiate much but as their conversations turn political and religious, Im always dropping NS red pills lol theres 2 ex-military.. One white guy one black guy. This gets interesting bc they all just sit and listen to me.
Sounds like many of my conversations.
I ascertain what everyone's views are, then I sit back and drop pills and pontificate.
Have any of you been able to pierce the shell of a boomer? My parents are nuts.
I love getting around groups of people and pushing their boundaries
@Herrenvolk - MD This is the best "boomer busting" you will get.
Do you think it'll fix them
Ive got a much tougher shell than most. Ol Gramps is a former Union railroad man and isnt a typical Boomer Liberal, hes full Socialist lol But I get through here and there since we agree on alot but cant crack the racial thing. Even though hes essentially a race realist thats hip to the JQ. Like.. He knows wer more noble.. Just thinks we deserve bad shit bc of history.... 😶
Attention to IE that went to DC: We took a squat photo outside the bar in Alexandria and were looking for it. Would anyone here in the server have access to that photo
Please gib photo ^
^^^Nice try FBI
@AltCelt(IL) My mom has had plenty of bad dealings with the Jews since she worked in NOVA, DC, and NYC. I still don't really know how she feels about race.
@AltCelt(IL) Explain to him everything from history he wants us to pay for came from leftists and globalists. Since he's convinced this has to be balanced, tell him you will actually believe he's serious when he offs himself for being complicit.
I'm not joking. Boomers have undone 3000 years in one shitty, selfish generation.
If they think our culture "deserves" it while they lived the most spoiled existence in human history and left their grandkids, or lack thereof in many cases to scavenge from the wreckage, then they need to be told to Fuck Off!!!
Yea we get pretty heated. He sees identity politics as a division line. I said yea it is.. But im not going to sit here and pretend its not real. I can preach equality all day long but these people want me as a working class slave and doormat.
Yea all he ever cared about was his union benefits and retirement