Message from @Commander Davis (TWP)
Discord ID: 330147116737495040
It was because I told him being doxxed isn't a big deal if you actually care about the movement.
I thought you weren't a true straight man until you'd sold another man for a bag of commissary?
@Aaron - VA its on my phone also lol
hes only a WN because white people are the only group that will allow such degeneracy
@Commander Davis (TWP) truth
same reason why the proud boys are western chauvanists
Greg has literally said that he "wants people to have debates over feminism and homosexuality, but in an all white country"
>tfw you don't have 5 IGD articles, a medium article where you're put next to spencer, and two nobody antifa blog articles.
I was in an ADL article does that count
@Commander Davis (TWP) I'm having Daryle over for chicken wings and grape drank.
(((ADL)))* ftfy
The time will come for the fag genocide, but for now, we wait
Aids are our ally
2 birds one degenerate disease
I've heard a theory that AIDS isnt real. It's just GRIDS
Wanting to burn movement thots at the stake but hold off on fag genocide 🤔
AIDS has killed more degenerates than Hitler. Just saying.
You think AIDS is your ally...
Look guys be more stratetic gays go on front lines and contaminate the enemy with their bloody remains
Oh second thought, faggotry is a plague and it's Jewish...
And they get thrown off roof tops onto enemies
Human catapults?
Gays are vital projectiles
Stock pile dead fags now!
strategically deploy GRIDS infected fags as ordnance against non-whites
Holy shit wow, I just caught up. Im sure everyone will agrees that all of the division is coming from having a woman trying to lead men and telling us what we should and should not do. He Erica, did no one tell you that a woman is supposed to keep her mouth shut when men are discussing business? If IE wants you to be their leader then that's on them. Perhaps you didn't know this but many (if not most) of us reject feminism and believe real women are supposed to be submissive and respectful towards men and know their place (such as the kitchen and the bedroom.) Men are supposed to be courageous warrior leaders, putting out blood and lives on the line in the face of 1000 300lb niggers charging at us.
I prefer live ammo
"We believe in gassing traitors, and the jews are really traitors to humanity" - GLR
We'll throw explosive-rigged faggots onto the droves of mongrels at our gates from atop the wall
I'm getting so much EXP off this chat tbh
No he said faggots are traitors to humanity
@AltCelt(IL) now you're thinking
I like to think that fags are nature's way of deadending shitty genes
The Kabobs think theyre woke? Wait til we combine 2 of their tactics in one.