Message from @The Inquisitor [☧]
Discord ID: 335948488829304834
No, I'm sure it was edgy tho
@Nick425 I didn't see it but pol has been getting raided harder than I've ever seen before by leftists within the last few days. Don't even bother going there during the morning. It seems to clean up by the evening.
Its been slide central
Yeah I didn't know if it was a normal thing or something to be alarmed about
Well, that is a threat. But a lot of people want to kill Spencer. Thats just part of it all.
Well I have been meaning to get a kolovrat tatoo done...
Is there a general itinerary of what's going on? I saw something about torches and whatnot
They just trying to scare ppl away don't fall for it
@Nick425 @Aaron - VA it's definitely not normal. Something big is about to happen. Shills are riding the coattails of the Trump jr stuff and going hard on everything else. Personally I get pissed off at all the anti Russia shit. My girlfriend is russian.
We should always expect the worst at all times, especially at major events like these. There is always a risk. But that's why we do what we do, to fight for our people. We just have to be aware and ready.
Rockwell held a rally in San Francisco. 26 of his people showed up. They were upposed by 3000 protesters. Rockwell and all his boys made it out fine. After alot of Fighting :)
I miss Rockwell
Rockwell was a filthy purity spiraller, tho
Many right-wingers are sincerely concerned, I know, about my battles with men such as Maguire, Snowden, Welch, Hargis, et al., and my revelations of what they really are. “They are doing good,” I am told, “why not let them go about their business their own way. They are helping. Don’t hurt them”.
I maintain they are only giving the appearance of helping-but are actually hurting.
Before a mass of people will rise up and do anything effective and forceful about a tyrannical situation, there must be built up a certain emotional pressure. A firecracker has not the force of a rifle bullet because it explodes harmlessly in all directions. But the gas from a rifle bullet cannot escape, except by forcing the bullet out at terrific speed, because it is confined, directed into useful channels.
As long as Welch and all the rest of his ilk, rich and poor, can give themselves the illusion of “fighting the Jews” by exploding the pressure inside of them verbally and harmlessly, in all directions, and without ever hurting a Jew traitor, they keep the pressure we need to get mad and fight from ever building up.
The Jews know this, and permit these hundreds and hundreds of harmless rightwing organizations to spout endlessly in silence behind the Jewish “paper curtain”. They don’t reach any significant number of people outside their own group. Even when they do, their approach is so feeble and so psychologically wrong that they win only a few rare types.
They never, never get out into the public, into the streets, and reach the masses with an inspiring and driving masculine movement, which alone can win the hearts of the masses! They pass literature and talk only to each other.
If just one tenth of the money which pours every year, year after year, into such “fire-cracker” movements were to be contained, directed, and used behind an ideological bullet forced out by fighting men, the Jews would stop at nothing to crush and destroy that deadly “bullet”. Even without that money, with only a few grains of “powder,” but confined and directed with force, we have already earned the all-out hate of the Jews, the only sure sign that we are not firing the eternal rightwing “gas” at them, but the deadly bullets which they know will eventually destroy their illegal, tyrannical power.
Yeah he's talking about pressure releases like the alt lite
But sure I guess that makes him a "purity spiraler"
>implying there's a difference of anything other than degree between the alt-lite and the alt-sodomite
Did anyone see someone put the word out to the local civil war reenactors about the rally?
I appreciate our Anti-Com Freikorps comrades but pls dont talk shit about Cdr Rockwell
@The Inquisitor [☧] Have you read that book or is that just a quote you saw?
@Hand Banana I haven't read all of his books, just some
That specific quote is from Chapter 12 of "White Power"
And don't get me wrong, me calling Commander Rockwell a "purity spiraller" wasn't an insult
@I'm Not Sam Hyde I've asked multiple people to bring reenactors. What have you heard?
I very much support the ideal of purity
I've specifically spoken to reenactors as well
@MadDimension I was just browsing the discussion page for the event on fb
Thought it was a really great idea
Any reenactor regiments that shows up in uniform are pretty brave tbh after the way the liberals have torn into the motorcycle gang and every other identifiable group that has stood up against the anti-whites
Well, hopefully they do
Definitely. Hard to say if they will be as relentlessly harassed as others have been since there will be so many directions for the liberals to spread their hate after this event.
Dude I'm sure they catch shit already
You have no idea to what level they bring it
I'm sure there are soccer mom's who raise he'll over a confederate flag or uniform