Discord ID: 280180395235082240
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looking for a carpool, but as a plan B
Good thing I'm not an antifa jewish transgendered ze-spy screencapping all the conversations and emailing them all to CNN
What's Antifa?
Or a VPN
Tor is crawling with feds
Wait when did this happen?
Yeah link me please, I don't doubt it I just wanna read a bit more into it
I personally know eight people, including myself, who are confirmed or likely to attend who aren't in the FB event
I assume the final tally will be in the thousands
Would this be a good event to bring a couple of curious (right-leaning) normies to?
Honestly as long as they aren't stirring the shit pot (by either punching right, or being a leftist stirring the shit pot) I think they'd be fine. The more normies we can bring over the better, tbh
Gotta make a fashy GF somehow
Speaking of antifa, just how violent is shit expected to get?
It seems that a lot of people are joining in on decent sized groups so hopefully the whole strength in numbers thing applies to both sides even as everyone leaves
Can I bring my grandma
We can't be the ones inciting violence
Is there a general itinerary of what's going on? I saw something about torches and whatnot
Wasn't the plan "no matter what"?
CNN just commented on how well coordinated this is
Trump commented
We do need a follow up
Keep pushing and all
Link plz
Someone ran some of the lefties over with a car
Check the hill livestream on fb
Not sure, I didn't see it happen but they've got EMT on em right now
I heard two vehicles
Not sure though
Car rear ended another car into a bunch of antifa
They're covering it right now
They're playing it rn
So rewind like 30 seconds if you need too
Is he in here?
https://twitter.com/brennanmgilmore/status/896434516260212737 here's another video of it
>KKK protest
I would definitely go to something like this in Connecticut
Well shit, I'm definitely gonna keep my ears open about anything going on over there so I can take a day off work
With out or with our?
The media insists on calling today a KKK rally so we also gotta do something about that
Obviously we have to overthrow CNN
When even antifa is tired of antifa
Next protest has to be in front of the new red wings arena
He's a confirmed republican that's all I could find for sure
Are you serious
Ladies and gentleman, American journalism
A bit off topic, but is there any word of a follow up rally/second attempt/etc?
Fair enough
But yeah disassociate from it, don't even bring it up unless you have to. Don't disavow it, just try to be generic about how you don't approve of violence or something
Glorified REEEEEEing on camera isn't gonna get anyone to sympathize with our side of the story
What even is the narrative?
I've heard "he panicked" more than anything else
Oh true
Oh crap it's Sunday
Antifa is a peaceful organization, how can they be declared a domestic terror group?
Do we have any evidence or police statements or anything that the car driver from yesterday's crash panicked? Or is that not what happened? (Trying to compile a list of sources)
@PepeTheShort2_ thanks
Do we have anything verifying he actually panicked though?
I thought I saw a different screenie earlier
Trump about to speak on Charlottesville
Could I possibly get an @ everyone?
Thanks anyways
"helicopters are racist" -trump, probably
He condemned the alt right and the KKK, didn't even mention antifa
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