Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 330369341944233996
And I'm going to sell footage of a bonfire of marxist books, pride flags, and other Jewish shit to CNN
Once we have 10k at a rally, I'm all for it.
I don't care what you are all for
Cool bro
I'm going to continue to push the Overton window to the right
Go for it
When "Heilgate" happened we saw a massive jump in recruitment
I'm sure that you would argue that public roman salutes are bad optics
Alright, I expect to see photographs of you saluting in CVille then
"Oy vey we can't burn "The Evils of Whiteness" it might upset the Media!"
"Just burn the playboys goyim that'll show how tough you are!"
You guys should check out the normie comments on this fb post about a guy who got arrested for burning the gay flag (related to the discussion last night). The only issue most of them have is that the flag was stolen from someone before being burned.
Most normie conservatives react with BUT IT'S OKAY TO BURN AN AMERICAN FLAG?!
I'm all for burning it in private and even on live stream
Or at any other event that's not Charlottesville for that matter.
Thats fine
All the cool kids will be though
We really need to start looking into antifa podcast and pages
Then your intent is to do so at the Rally ?
@kristall.night Good point. I do think people vastly underestimate how many similarities we have with working class conservatives types. They hate that damn flag too.
Burning the Pride flag is such a powerful statement it might get lost in all the excitement of our event though. Any one of us could get a permit, hold a press conference, burn one of the flags and it would make the local news. If hundreds of us did it it would make international news
My God, there would be so many normies who would say, "I don't know much about them alt-right fellers...but they're alright." if we did this
"Pride Flag Burning Day"
People underestimate how much of the general public despises open and obnoxious faggotry. They think they are supposed to accept it, but you'd be amazed at how many seemingly normie people will happily jump on the fag-hate train when you give them permission to do it
Gas the Gay away day 2017
I think it's a great idea with a direct message and explanation with its own event
Faggotry isn't as openly accepted as the leftist agenda tries to make it seem
Although its in England.. Hivemind comments will say "Trump's America" lol
@MadDimension yep, people are sick of having it shoved in their faces.