Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 330366331390132236
Why don't we just burn a cross? <:pepe:321791202578006017>
I agree that both are powerful images. But I'm taking into consideration the circumstances
This is where right leaning NeoCons are at right now
Do you think that a message about burning literature that inspires the behavior they are upset about would resonate more or less than burning playboys?
The media would spin that as us silencing intellectual speech
I think less informed ppl will understand burning playboys more than a book they've never heard of.
This is the medias response to that NRA ad
Optics are still important for portraying our message
You are in a movement that exists purely because of a constant push against the overton window.
Actually, I don't relaly care if I convince either of you two.
I'm going to burn a bunch of Marxists drivel
@Hand Banana I don't think the movement is ready for extreme optics just yet.
And I'm going to sell footage of a bonfire of marxist books, pride flags, and other Jewish shit to CNN
Once we have 10k at a rally, I'm all for it.
I don't care what you are all for
Cool bro
Go for it
When "Heilgate" happened we saw a massive jump in recruitment
I'm sure that you would argue that public roman salutes are bad optics
Alright, I expect to see photographs of you saluting in CVille then
"Oy vey we can't burn "The Evils of Whiteness" it might upset the Media!"
"Just burn the playboys goyim that'll show how tough you are!"
You guys should check out the normie comments on this fb post about a guy who got arrested for burning the gay flag (related to the discussion last night). The only issue most of them have is that the flag was stolen from someone before being burned.
Most normie conservatives react with BUT IT'S OKAY TO BURN AN AMERICAN FLAG?!
I'm all for burning it in private and even on live stream
Or at any other event that's not Charlottesville for that matter.
Thats fine
You dont have to burn fag flags with me
All the cool kids will be though
We really need to start looking into antifa podcast and pages
Then your intent is to do so at the Rally ?