Message from @Gustavus Adolphus
Discord ID: 637758037817557002
There we go, it's all better
there's a dude on another server I'm on complaining about a meme
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck O wow, got me
with you
haha so funny XD
I texted my girl... And I came back to this sperg fest
Why did you come back?
Honestly... Memes
But what the hell...
Liberals: We just want gay rights we won’t come after the kids
*comes after the kids*
Me: you had your chance. Now it’s time to show you why you’re called faggots 😎
@wotmaniac I've already got a dakimakura
Me: So why in the hell did you turn down that job? It was a huge raise!
Friend: it didn’t offer health insurance
Me: couldn’t you just buy health insurance with the extra 18k you would be making???
Friend: ummmm
Me: you’re retarded
One does not simply 'buy health insurance'
Obviously any employer who does not provide it hates their employees
If someone is self-employed then they would simply buy it.
If they needed it
Health insurence can be really cheap
First thing it shows (sound off mind you) black ranger with a big-ass gun.
@Selemas ummm yes you can
I was joking
Evidently not well, but still
Ok I wasn’t sure. Sarcasm is hard over text