Message from @Selemas
Discord ID: 637762781399220296
Liberals: We just want gay rights we won’t come after the kids
*comes after the kids*
Me: you had your chance. Now it’s time to show you why you’re called faggots 😎
@wotmaniac I've already got a dakimakura
Me: So why in the hell did you turn down that job? It was a huge raise!
Friend: it didn’t offer health insurance
Me: couldn’t you just buy health insurance with the extra 18k you would be making???
Friend: ummmm
Me: you’re retarded
One does not simply 'buy health insurance'
Obviously any employer who does not provide it hates their employees
If someone is self-employed then they would simply buy it.
If they needed it
Health insurence can be really cheap
First thing it shows (sound off mind you) black ranger with a big-ass gun.
@Selemas ummm yes you can
I was joking
Ok I wasn’t sure. Sarcasm is hard over text
Plus I could see someone saying that lmao
Its what a lot of people think if they've never really thought about it
Same reason anyone likes social security instead of just wanting to save their own money
Indeed if you take all the money you spend on your streaming services and other luxuries you could probably buy health insurance
But why do that when you can just get it “”””””free”””””””” from the government with magic money
I’m not even against a temporary emergency public healthcare service and oversight on the private sector
yes, I'm ok with the idea of a bare bones healthcare system for emergencies that is available to everyone, but other than that I think it should be privatized
>or the costs of insurance mean that the price of a 30 day stay ends up being 640k
Can Kanye West electro boogie?
(stolen, can't claim credit)
wtf is with the eyes
also this is a repost
"oh my god its a repost"
"we cant ever look at the same memes"