Message from @Athena Marie
Discord ID: 336272362242834433
I'm white
I understand rules
@Goldstein Riots do you act like a Jew ironically or does it just come naturally
@Hand Banana Little bit of both mixed with alcohol
@Hand Banana I thought everyone knew that @Goldstein Riots was our resident kike. We actually keep him in a cage and give him tech privileges as controlled opposition.
Stay smart fellas. Protect your thoughts and more importantly, your pineal gland.
Those are not Alex Jones
I don't get what's so hard to understand about this channel.
How dare you degenerate our classical art @Athena Marie
Jonesposting has been slow so things got off topic.
No heresy here... or I break out the stones...
make frogs heterosexual again!!
I found out on gay twitter today that gayness isn't an actual choice. Maybe all the gay frogs should be ovened and we can start with a fresh group of heterosexual frogs to repopulate the species.
Then I accidentally pissed off gay twitter today for calling them race traitors for not procreating. I'll probably get banned again and stuck on discord for entertainment. Oops?
@Athena Marie making fun of fags is purity spiralling
we need to accept based gays who want to save the white race so they can secure the existence of their bathhouses and a future for anal sex
I would never be as bold as to dictate why our standards are but it was my understanding that we have a standing policy of Flaming Fag Drags in place for these situations.
@The Inquisitor [☧] you're just shit posting right?
@Americana - MD No, I hate purity spirallers who think homosexuality isn't the last stand of implicit white identity
I like these deep talks. I'd like to understand what my opinion should be on this matter. Please continue.
@Goldstein Riots , you're identifying as a fag today. What do you think?
Is it actually a problem if the chemicals in the water turn the frogs gay?
Yes @kristall.night Gay frogs are the biggest crisis of our lives. We must straighten this out!!!
Gay frogs are the most serious threat to our diverse democracy that we face today.
This is what low testosterone does to males
Alex Jones will be proven right about everything in time
I already have proven evidence (leaked from the CIA) that the moon is actually a hologram
That is the domino that will start the torrent of revelations that HE was right about it ALL
We have all the documents, it's all here
hologram moon bouncing through the center of the hollow inverted donut earth