Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 326453395554566164
We need to get a few tour buses to bus us in and have a legitimate camera posted next to the exits to film us all getting off the bus. Very good optics!
such a good idea that it needed to be posted in 3 different channels lol
any single rats in here
That blows my mind that people wouldn't want their own kids but would willingly raise another persons
At least stay in your own race.
If my worse fears come true and I'm infertile I would consider adopting a white child
I got plenty if you need one?
@Boru have you worried about that before?
@Americana - MD I had a hernia surgery when I was 5. I've read that theres about a 10% chance that it can cause infertility
Oh shiiitttt
Banned @Boru
<:globalist:321790059449810945> I'll use my super male vitality
hello mitch hoob
Henlo @Ignis Faatus
no and i miss shitposting all day on fb i feel so disconnected with novody to talk to
yo allmst im tryna find out is if we can run a train on nathan damigo
Help me
Shamelessly stealing emojis now <:parentheses:321807263457345536> <:wat:321792446008918026> <:spaghetti_supremacy:321790566851543041> <:confederate:321809961002860545> <:nationalist:321809640721612802>
I'm wearing this to blend in with the media no way I'll get doxed!
tfw listening to Alc-Right Rises with the window open while an illegal you just called ICE on works right outside <:moonman:321808243519389707>
Memri tv memes are my favorite 😂