Message from @breadmoth

Discord ID: 635129403390558208

2019-10-19 01:03:29 UTC  

@Jokerfaic the second article is about muh Bone Spurs

2019-10-19 01:04:02 UTC  


2019-10-19 01:04:17 UTC  

as in that thing that made my mom unable to walk for a few days?

2019-10-19 01:44:32 UTC  

Yeah the whole bone spurs thing! How dare he! Let's vote for someone who will start more illegitimate wars rather than someone who dodges them

2019-10-19 01:45:47 UTC  

sorry, I'm really lost, what do bone spurs have to do with...... anything?

2019-10-19 02:12:27 UTC  

he dodged war with bone spurs, he's dodging war now bone spurs or not.

2019-10-19 02:17:04 UTC  

who, trump?

2019-10-19 04:47:07 UTC  


2019-10-19 04:47:22 UTC  

Also, Hilary can shut the fuck up.

2019-10-19 05:39:16 UTC  

yeah the draft is fucking stupid. dodging is smart.. I'm not risking my life to fight a war thats not even america's business

2019-10-19 06:00:20 UTC  

"No Vietnamese ever called me nigger"

2019-10-19 06:39:15 UTC  

How are people not seeing Gabbard as an obvious Obama 2.0. How the campaign is run, how she carries herself, literally every one of her policies. Someone explain to me 1 way that she is at all different, besides the obvious background and sex.

2019-10-19 08:15:28 UTC  

Basically vote Trump or the US gets fucked hard

2019-10-19 08:25:38 UTC  

@Dig she supported Bernie in 2016 when the DNC conspired to put Hillary up, and you can't have that.

2019-10-19 11:06:54 UTC  

Tulsi wouldn't get anything meaningful done. She's from Hawaii after all

2019-10-19 11:08:08 UTC  

Btw Hawaii is one the top 5 highest taxed states

2019-10-19 11:08:40 UTC  

They can keep their red castle, and iron chair too

2019-10-19 12:19:02 UTC  

I was already well aware of her campaigning for bernie, and being in opposition to the clintons and the main stream DNC just makes her more like Oboma. Look at 2008 Oboma and look at Gabbard, its the exact same stuff right down to the mannerisms and trade mark 'meaningful pause' thrown into every other sentence. Same training (with regards to marketing herself as a candidate), same campaign strats, same policies.

A masterfully crafted appeal to the centre, surgically so and that should raise a red flag if not an eyebrow. Dont get me wrong I like some of what shes saying, but thats the point. Ive had my eye on her for over a year now, did my research then and my take away was that she is Oboma 2.0 and would be a major player by the time the primaries were through and that it was as clear as day. But what i didnt see coming was that people would become more smitten than sceptical when a young, dynamic, anti establishment(as much as a Dem can be at the moment) candidate pops up and starts offering them the sun the moon and the stars on a silver platter for the SECOND time in a generation. History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Guess i had too much faith in the long memory of the internet. 2008 must be on the far side of that memory.

2019-10-19 12:50:08 UTC  

"She worked for Bernie she's against the establishment" Are we just forgetting that Bernie is every inch the commie scumbag that AntiFa are? Look sure it is entertaining to watch her dunk on the other girls. @Dig is right about '08. 2008 Obama talked about re-negotiating NAFTA and ending war. Instead we got ACA.

2019-10-19 15:32:17 UTC  


2019-10-19 15:46:29 UTC  


2019-10-19 15:46:31 UTC  

trumps better.

2019-10-19 15:46:56 UTC  

how else are we gonna get fresh material for our memes

2019-10-19 15:51:26 UTC  

Libertarian Communist <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-10-19 15:51:40 UTC  

alright tim... you do you bud

2019-10-19 15:51:45 UTC  


2019-10-19 16:11:18 UTC  

The communists will kick him out cause he's against violence <:Stalinpic:527639234971041802>

2019-10-19 16:14:10 UTC  

Fence sitting commies are the worse. 😉 Never add anything to the Gulag~ Besides themselves.

2019-10-19 17:12:00 UTC  


2019-10-19 17:12:53 UTC  

Is there a reason he makes his video titles like NYT headlines?

2019-10-19 17:14:31 UTC  

@Imaorange so people will click on them?

2019-10-19 17:15:00 UTC  

But that is big gay and appealing to dry brains

2019-10-19 17:15:09 UTC  

He's gonna gain subs bro

2019-10-19 18:23:02 UTC  

clickbait in of itself isnt bad.

2019-10-19 18:23:42 UTC  

its bad when it is unrepresentative of the video (and especially if you have two long ads before it starts)