Message from @Nick-NJ
Discord ID: 419272131571089428
@Deleted User Most my workouts take about an hour and a half to two hours
I only take 30 second breaks in between sets, which is pretty much enough time to change weight
Oh yeah that changes things haha
I'm a fan of the 60-90 second rest so it lengthens things quite a bit
I guess lol at my 3-7 minute breaks between heavy triples and doubles. Although most of that time is spent on set up and getting my belt tight and chalking
Between warmups and going slow for the ankle it took me 30 minutes to get through my deadlifts
During any working set (80%+ for me) I take exorbitantly long breaks
Had 2x5 at 80% for squat today and there's no way I'm not taking at least a couple minutes
Between work sets I take 8 minutes minimum. I find a few extra minutes really makes a difference
definitely makes my workouts long though
Goal is to be practically crawling out of the gym by the end of my workouts
Heavy bench day today calls for 800mg of Ibuprofen so that my forearm tendinitis doesn't make me drop the bar. Need to survive this so that I can make it to the conference next week
@Nick-NJ hope it goes well man, sounds rough
Survived and hit a nice overhead press volume PR!
Thanks @ThisIsChris
is it a bad idea to work out on a day you're doing an all day fast?
Just be aware of your body and keep the intensity moderate
You'll be fine, I fast once a week and it's all good
Debating if I should lift or not tonight. Body is still aching from last week's back day. Should I take another rest day and hit it hard tomorrow?
depends on what kinda soreness
@Deleted User It's not debilitating, but it still feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my lower back
you could hit things aside from your lower back i suppose
like instead of bb rows, seal rows or something
Getting that concrete feeling in my lower back never affects my lift just my mindset. But that’s just my experience
@Suomi Stronk a whole week of DOMS?
You did too much.
Try this: death by pull up. Every minute on the minute you do a pull up and with each minute you do another. IE, minute 1 is one pull up and minute two is 2 pull ups. So on and so forth until you fail.
sounds like pain
i love it
will be there for an hour
1 pull-up a minute
Does anyone here use a landmine in their workouts? I did legs and back with it and it was one of the best workouts I've ever had. Wondering about others experiences and if deadlifting/squatting with it is worth my time.
Have never used in all my years of lifting but have always thought about trying
Took a few more days off cause ankle and made today my first day back. Nothing special just sevens at 50-60% squat and bench, deadlift 80ish% for 5 and rdls
Lol pulled a chill 475 today after 455 triple. Feeling good and followed with front squat, deadhang pull-up superset