Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 388542954861494292
@ThisIsChris squat is king. I hit a 5x5 today with some back squat actually.
that's so nice
god I love squats
I wish I was at the gym right now
24 hour gym brah
yeah actually this gym is 24 hours
@ThisIsChris are you new to lifting?
@Fox yeah a lot newer than anyone else at that gym and probably a lot of the guys in IE
actually I got into lifting because I was reading through the (old) IE fitness server
saw a lot of people recommend Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
I only have a couple years under my belt but it is very addictive.
bought it, read through it, then went to this gym
Smart move. That's a good program.
yeah I am very fortunate that I am a novice, I love being able to linearly progress
adding 5kg to my squat each time
I'm going to start 531 when I finish what I am working with now.
5lbs to my bench press
Yeah I'm not actually doing the true starting strength. The guy who runs the gym has his own variation of it
so I'm alternating 3x8 and 4x6
it's just a six week program for beginners
3x5 really isn't enough volume for a newbie
Sounds like your guy knows what's up.
Yeah it's a great place
That's awesome. Keep up the good work. I have nothing but benefited from lifting.
@Fox Thanks! If you're ever in NY and want to go send me a DM. Open invite for all IE guys 🙂
@ThisIsChris nice! We can have a deadlift party. And the same goes for you if you find yourself in North Louisiana.
Thanks man
Anyone do nootropics?
oy vey
if you arent eating 12 hotdogs with sourkraut a day, youre a cuck
Not a big fan of squats. More of a deadlift sort of guy
@JohnStrasser 100% KOSHER beef franks you mean
@Auf WI had a pretty dank stack a while back. too expensive.
@Ekdromoi of course goy
@Deleted User deadlift is king
It is expensive, and trying to find a sample that actually gives noticeable improvements is also quite expensive
make your own stack