Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 454755517571792908
I really enjoyed The 10,000 Year Explosion. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It doesn't shake the bottle of red pills in your face. But they're in there.
@Zyzz thanks for the rec I love that subject
Reading one's body language is always key
"Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images."
Phrenology and physiognomy need to be brought back
19% of sodomites have AIDS
...that's not shocking
Idk man, they sampled specifically from "bars, clubs, and social organizations". Those people exhibit the most degenerate sexual tendencies possible. That's like if you went to a rave and screened heterosexual people for herpes @Nemets
My point is, that of course people who participate in hookup culture have higher instances of STDs. The same feature exists in heterosexual groups
No, unfortunately not
I'm also wary of the "50 sexual partners annually" or whatever Mike Enoch quotes regularly
Of course, I'm anti-gay, but that's for reasons of biology and social cohesion
I don't have data that I feel comfortable referencing that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that homosexuality is more likely to lead to terrible STDs by order of magnitude
Most of these "studies" come from the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, which was founded in the late 1940s by bisexual and black idolizing Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey was a repressed homo until he convinced his wife into an open relationship, began frequenting the gay scenes and sleeping with anyone he could, including his own students. He became obsessed with black culture because they were polyamorous and weren't tied down to their families. He conducted most of the studies personally, and they are still used today despite the fact that he only surveyed blacks and homosexuals. Once he got more funding, he expanded his research to include prisoners and prostitutes.
His gay orgies - I mean sexual surveys - were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
*"Negroes and other black-skinned peoples inherit dark skin pigment, while brunet whites and members of other races of intermediate skin color inherit the ability to acquire it by seasonal tanning. In regions of high latitude and seasonal cloudiness a white skin is advantageous, at least in winter, for it permits a maximum of Vitamin-D irradiation, which would be partly impeded by more pigment granules. In man, as in other hairless animals, Vitamin D is absorbed directly into the blood stream because it is produced inside the skin instead of on the hair cover.
Negro skin also has a thick superficial horny layer. This resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs, which need ten times as much U-V to kill them in a hot, damp atmosphere as in dry air. Negroes infect less than white men in the tropics. For all these reasons the distribution of black-skinned peoples around the equatorial belt of the Old World makes sense, as does the concentration of pale-skinned peoples in the cloudy regions of northwest Europe.
The human eye is also concerned with U-V regulation. The lens, while transparent to visible light, in all races completely absorbs atmospheric U-V, thus removing a potential source of blindness. The eye also regulates the amount of light which it lets in by means of an automatic diaphragm, the iris. Except in the eyes of albinos, defective in this sense, the back of the iris is rendered opaque by a layer of melanin comparable to the dull black paint on the inside of the diaphragm of a camera, and serving the same purpose: to keep light from entering the chamber of the eye or camera except through the hole provided for it. In all races this peculiar layer of pigment is present in the eye of the embryo. Like the pigment of a Negro’s skin, the organism produces it unaided by the sun.*
*This is the only pigment that we see in a blue eye. Although its real color is chocolate brown, the tissue in front of it changes its appearance. The same thing happens to venous blood seen through the skin of the forearm in a light-skinned person. In dim to moderate light, one layer of pigment is enough to keep the iris from letting in light. An additional layer, deposited on the outer surface of the diaphragm, prevents even extremely bright diffuse light from leaking into the chamber. Eyes provided with this extra protection appear brown. If the superficial layer is particularly dense, the eye appears to be chocolate brown, or black. Brown and black eyes possess a further advantage, a deposit of melanin granules among the rods and cones of the retina which absorbs diffuse light and helps prevent glare. The black eyelids of the Negro and the fat lids and narrow eye slits of the Mongoloid help to do this also.
The gene, or combination of genes, which produces light eyes appears commonly among mankind, as among some nocturnal animals. Blue, gray, and green iris patterns are found among Australian aborigines, Ainu, some American Indians, Arabs, inhabitants of India, Siberian natives, and many other non-European peoples. However, only those European populations long established in dimly lighted country like the British Isles and the lands around the Baltic, and recently established overseas extensions of these populations, possess light-colored eyes in the majority.
Blond hair is also shared by Europeans with other peoples. Some Australian aborigines living in the desert are blond in childhood, and a few remain blond until their hair turns white. Blondism also turns up among monkeys and chimpanzees. It is but one of many possible genetic variants in a very variable stock. Like that of light eyes, its frequency in a population can increase through genetic mechanisms. If it has a selective value, this remains unknown."*
**The Story Of Man - Carleton Coon - pg 209-210**
@CarletonJ Thanks for the share. I was text-sparring with a Polyamorous shill today.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN You're very welcome. This may interest you as well:
*-The Collapse of the Moral Order. What people truly believe about right and wrong can better be determined by how they live their lives than by what they tell the pollsters. If so, the old moral order is dying. As late as the 1950s, divorce was a scandal, “shacking up” was how “white trash” lived, abortion was an abomination, and homosexuality the “love that dare not speak its name." Today, half of all marriages end in divorce, “relationships” are what life is about, and “the love that dare not speak its name” will not shut up.
The collapse of marriage and marital fertility, says Belgian demographer Ron Lesthaeghe, is due to a long-term “shift in the Western ideational system” away from values affirmed by Christianity-sacrifice, altruism, the sanctity of commitment - and toward a militant “secular individualism” focused on the self.(45)*
Source: (45) Ron Lesthaeghe, “A Century of Demographic and Cultural Change in Western Europe: An Exploration of Underlying Dimensions,” Population and Development Review, Fall 1983, pg. 429.
-*When, in 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical against contraception, Humanae Vitae, the almost universal hostility with which it was received, even among many Catholics, bore witness to the sea change in society. Yet the late pope has proved prophetic. As Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver writes, in Humanae Vitae Pope Paul predicted four consequences of man’s embrace of a contraceptive mind-set: (1) Widespread “conjugal inhdelity and the general lowering of morality.” (2) Women would no longer be man’s “respected and beloved companion,” but serve as a “mere instrument of selfish enjoyment.” (3) It would “put a dangerous weapon in the hands of public authorities who take no heed of moral exigencies.” (4) The treatment of men and women as objects, and unborn children as a disease to be prevented, would result in the dehumanization of the species.(46)
With rampant promiscuity and wholesale divorce, the explosion of pornography and the mainstreaming of the "Playboy" philosophy, taxpayer funding of abortion, and a day in America when we can read about teenage girls throwing newborn infants into dumpsters and leaving them out in the snow, the world Paul VI predicted is upon us.
Indeed, the new world takes on the aspect of the old world of pagan Rome, where unwanted babies were left on hillsides to die of exposure. Life is no longer respected as it was by the Greatest Generation, which came home after seeing how life had been so disrespected in a world at war. As the pope predicted, the beneficiaries of contraception and abortion have turned out to be selfish men who use women and toss them away like Kleenex.*
Source: (46) 46. Humanae Vitae: Encyclical of Pope Paul VI on the Regulation of Birth
@CarletonJ Thanks