Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 401208961316945930
Likely not many in English. I can look.
Origin of Races is a great start.
I use it more for reference than actual reading. It's like my Bible
Carleton Coon does an excellent job explaining the differences between the races. It is often labeled as racist. So that probably gives you a good idea.
@ThisIsChris Work By Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza is very good for races, but not necessarily jews
If you want more of a basic introduction to everything. From anthropology to geographical evolution, I would highly recommend The 10,000 Year Explosion
Race - John R. Baker
Essential Writings on Race - Samuel T. Francis
The Races of Europe - Carelton Stevens Coon
The Racial Element of European History - Hans F.K. Günther
Racial Realities in Europe - T. Lothrop Stoddard
The Rising Tide of Color - " "
The Passing of the Great Race - Madison Grant
I'm mainly looking for "here's the shape of a Norse nose vs med nose vs Jewish nose" and "notice these creases make a semitic smile as opposed to a normal euro mouth"
So I mean by sight how to identify Jews and other races
Let me know if you find anything good. Once I get a new computer I actually plan on making a video specifically about the phenotype of the Gaels from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Breton.
Will do! Something that caught my eye recently was looking into what's called "the semitic smile". It's a way the lips curl on semitic people that gives them a slight smiling look, that euros don't have. It's more distinctive among semites than the famous jew nose. I'd like to know all these features of identifying so not only relying on one (like the nose) but on a few different ones in trying to determine if someone is a jew by eye. In my day-to-day experience I think I meet more Jews than normal whites, and often you can just tell but sometimes it's ambiguous and it would be helpful to know distinguishing features among jews and euros to understand better.
I've actually taken notice of this before with a Jew that I know, very subtle features like that. Jews are tricky to identify, too, because many of them have intermixed with Europeans and other racial/ethnic groups, so they take on those physical characteristics. But the Hebrew genes definitely tend to shine through...I swear I know people who are Jewish who don't even realize they are Jewish themselves! haha.
@Aleis⊕ccidentalis haha yes. I am looking now into this book which seems to have some insights, no pictures but easy descriptions
"Racial Biology of the Jews"
There are probably a few more books out there like this. Jewish people have a high degree on inbreeding. That's why they often have consistent features. Maybe this though i've never read
I'll check both of those out. I'd like to do a video of some sort about the Jewish phenotype, as well as behavioral characteristics, but first I definitely want to learn more about them as a people.
If you're interested in body language you have to check out this channel:
I read a book on body language called What Every Body Is Saying. Can’t remember the author’s name, but it’s a good read. It’s helped me do everything from detecting lies, to winning at poker, to picking up women
I read this book on body language and highly reccomended it. it also has a few redpilling comments especially as it relates to gender differences
I really enjoyed The 10,000 Year Explosion. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It doesn't shake the bottle of red pills in your face. But they're in there.
@Zyzz thanks for the rec I love that subject
Reading one's body language is always key
"Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images."