Message from @John O -
Discord ID: 387991454745624586
I had a wallet when Bitcoin was 10$. I tried to buy 100$ worth but the payment didn't go through for some reason.
i wouldn't touch that shit @John O - it is pure speculation with (to my knowledge) no underlying demand drivers
@SamanthaM DM'ed you
@Zyzz yeah, of course. I've been saying that for years. Just kind of bullshiting
I work in home mortgage if anyone needs advice on how to get approved for a loan.
So, people really shouldn’t mess with crypto unless they already have a 401k and some slow growth safe investments, right? Do we need an advisor for things like IRAs or can we do all that through TD Ameritrade?
@this_that5553 Check out the convo on IE general
Yeah, I don't invest because it pisses me off so much. But the pump and dump scheme seems to be what everyone is doing
It's sad, because Monero and Ethereum are legitimately good technology. But people just latch on to whatever crypto has the most hype and the hype is completely artificial. People are talking about Lite Coin too now. Like WTF. Lite Coin sucks ass, but the hype is randomly around it again
Dude, the entire concept of crypto currency is fragile af. If the world economy ran on crypto, even if it was a good one, I would be very uncomfortable
I agree. But the shitty thing is that nobody actually uses these coins. They just buy and sell the coin themselves
Yeah dude
The fact that there is _zero_ commerce around this stuff should be a huge warning flag
There are several huge red flags
e-stores that use bitcoin do _very_ little business in it. I guarantee. To the point where stores have just stopped supporting it
Let's be honest, NEETs do not spend much money on goods and services
Anyway, I'm gonna watch some tutorials on TD Ameritrade or something lol
@John O - yeah me too I like it a lot
@this_that5553 I like to use Bitcoin to buy stuff because a lot of merchants give discounts for using it
From what I understand though it is used a lot more in third world countries that don't really have a credit card infrastructure
Third world countries also don't have much of a landline phone infrastructure, so those places were very quick to adopt cell phone towers and basically "skipped" ever setting up landlines
So I’ve been listening to the “Money For The Rest of Us” podcast in my free time. I know very little about how finance works, and I thought it would be a decent way to learn some basics. But I can’t decide if the guy is a charlatan or ‘guru’ figure or if he is actually knowledgeable. Has anyone with more in-depth knowledge on the subject gotten a good read on the podcast? And if he is an intellectual fraud, are there any other good podcasts you’d suggest instead?
@Tim - NH not sure about podcasts but reddit has some good finance related sections. If you are having trouble understand what a topic is you can always post the thread here and we can review/discuss
@this_that5553 buy a broad based vanguard mutual fund. They have the lowest fee structure. Aim to choose a fund with broad exposure to the market rather than something sector specific. That’s how you eliminate company or industry specific risk.
You won’t become a billionaire overnight but I believe in avg the market appreciates ~7% per year so you can do the math as to how much you’ll make overtime given your contribution level and expected date of withdrawl
Does anyone want me to give a seminar on how financial options work? not a "here's how to get rich trading options", but rather "here is what options are and how they work." The knowledge you would gain from this would be applicable to trading options on stocks as well as other financial instruments such as bitcoin.
@Deleted User I think that would be great. I remember someone here was asking about that the other day though I can't find the convo now.
Yeah, people were talking about it in IE General, and with the upcoming BTC futures I thought it might be a topic of interest.
@Deleted User id be interested
OK, I'll plan to do a 30-minute seminar Sunday the 10th at 9PM ET. @Zyzz let me know if you want to team up. I'll do it on the "voicechat" channel of this server. LMK if that time doesn't work for you. I'll send a channel annoucement later today if no one objects to the time. @everyone Spencer gives a good take on bitcoin that I agree with 100%. The jist is people are buying bitcoin to sell bitcoin they don't actually want to hold it they just want to flip it and make money off of it. Anyone who is holding bitcoin should carefully consider how a 50-90% decrease in price would make them feel. I suggest you sell your holdings.
All newbs should lurk on the Reddit Personal Finance forum. and buy Ric Edelman's 'The Truth about Money'
Whats everyones thoughts on Lending Club?
@Zyzz Thanks, yes this is stuff that has been in the back of my mind. I'm just slowly selling my btc piece by piece