Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 393422070538829828
@Matthias There is no need for further forking. BCH solved the only issue with BTC.
You could fork BTC yourself, but no one would adopt it because it wouldn’t add any value.
@Tanner - SC Does BCH solve the efficiency issue? Or does it still require the power of Ireland to run?
f to btc
i can't imagine peoples loss on this pullback
@this_that5553 The "efficiency issue" is not an issue. BCH has the potential to replace VISA and PayPal and it uses FAR less manpower and energy than them.
People talk smack because they can estimate the total power consumption of the biticoin network, but they can't easily estimate the total resource consumption of any fiat payment processor.
No coiners btfo
@Tanner - SC you said yourself that visa manages 24k transactions per second. BCH does 48
BCH has a roadmap to scale. They started at 8 MB blocks to prove they won't cause collapse because many in the BTC community were convinced 8 MB would cause collapse. And it's an adjustable value in BCH, so the users at any time can increase the limit. And the developers have proposal for future updates to change the default adjustment from 8 to higher.
That pic...
This is why Monero should be the default tbh
These n00bs are just finding out Coinbase is cucky. Coinbase has been banning people for years. It's somewhat understandable because Coinbase doesn't want any negative PR nor do they want any retroactive regulation to bite them in the ass for any lax actions of the past, so they clamp down. It's stupid easy to work around. Just send the coins from Coinbase to a private wallet, then send the coins on to wherever you please.
No one should be storing coins on coinbase anyway, that's just IOUs. Hold your crypto yourself.
Here's a good phone app for storing BTC and BCH:
I think I'll create a BCH wallet with that app
Might be annoying to send coinbase funds to the wallet though. Somehow have to copy the wallet code from phone to desktop. Maybe via email, which defeats the purpose of being more secure
@this_that5553 Use the coinbase phone app and then just copy/paste within your phone.
So, trying to get in on buying ripple, first coin im buying ever, complete noob, getting this set up is ridiculous.
Dont know which exchange to use. Pretty sure im going to end up getting my identity stolen, everyone wants my social and what not. Plz halp.
Yes @ThisIsChris
No just ban nocoiners
get out
@ThisIsChris yes split out crypto currency related conversation from all other finance
Yes we should split them
Lol when the cryptos correct
I made a new server, guys
coiners pls leave
Mfw this channel still ends up being about crypto
No more crypto conversation in here
There's so many other finance topics to discuss that need a space: stocks, bonds, options, houses, business, tax-advantaged accounts, etc
@Guillaume did you say crypto?
For future people: this channel has a good history of noncrypto financial advice, you just have to search or scroll past the crypto stuff
Nocoiners unite!
Aka no bubble chasers