Message from @StrawberryArmada
Discord ID: 403025725692706817
go to a library, maybe a university library
yeah I wish I was still in university
find old books online, scanned ones or whatever
just go there might have some texts to read.
Here's an article on faces and ancestry.
Try to look for texts from 70s or before. You could also look up craniometry texts, which may help.
On a slightly related note the DSM II and DSM listed being homo a mental disorder, then they got cucky
Thanks @JC17-OR !
Psychology is for small brains acting like big brains though, they even got rid of p values for their studies
Depends on the field. Analytical psychology still has p-values and statistical analysis, but cultural, social and abnormal have reduced their empiricism drastically.
When I was studying criminology, we didn't review a single study with statistical analysis.
@ThisIsChris I would recommend reading "racial biology of Jews". It's older, but may help you in your endeavors to understand the biology and ancestry of the Jews.
@JC17-OR this is perfect, even without pictures it is very clear, thanks!
Link for the interested:
Anyone here following ZUMA at all?
@Cait_Bradshaw - MA what's that?
It was a Space X satellite that was secretly launched supposedly.
It was a US satellite designed by Northrop Grumman or something
And launched by spacex
A problem with second stage separation apparently
But SpaceX claims the second stage separated correctly
The Gov refuses comment because the nature of the satellite is classified
The satellite is however essentially "registered"
Which only happens if it completes an orbit or something
@StrawberryArmada that's interesting!! Do you think something spoopy is going on?
We launch secret stuff all the time. I'm kinda surprised they used spaceX but if the launch was time sensitive maybe NASA didn't have a vehicle ready.
NASA doesn't have its own launch capabilities anymore I believe
They are wholly reliant on SpaceX, Space Launch Alliance, and worse: russia
The government and SpaceX refuse to say it failed outright
Media says the gov said it failed
If it failed then we lost one billion dollars
If not why are they saying it did
I'm not sure where to ask this, but how do you guys feel about common core?
@micbwilli I'm curious about it but don't know much about it. Do you have any thoughts? I used to teach college math classes and some of the freshmen needed to be whipped into shape but I don't know if it has any relation to common core. Though I did have a lot of students asking if I would be "grading based on the correctness of the answers" to which I was like "yes lol why" and apparently a lot of high school students are NOT graded based on the correctness of their answers?? Idk if that is a common core thing or just a their schools thing though.
I don't trust it. It was brought in with no studies on efficacy. All the teachers on the ground seem to hate it.
I get nervous about a lot of these programs of dubious effect. If the outcome is equality than the mechanism is to bring down the top students, because rasping the others to meet them is not usually a possibility. One of the major backers even said CC was a way to stamp out "white privilege".
Does anyone here know Matlab? I’m taking a Matlab class and am super confused
Did you take matrix algebra aka linear algebra?
The simpler versions need you to understand basic matrix algebra concepts