Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 401229470356340738
Real money is in test prep though. most parents want to see certifications and high test scores from you to prove you're worth the price.
Any recommendations for textbooks on physical anthropology?
Or anything about understanding people's racial origins by seeing their physical characteristics
What level of physical anthropology?
@Tyler Baker Calc 1 was fun memories, Calc 2 was harder, Calc 3 is pretty cool so farm
multivariable calc, right? I loved that.
Sequences and series with matrix, vector and linear functions.
College won't give me calc 1 credit, so I'm taking calc 3 to add to my calc 2 credit.
@JC17-OR I primarily want to be able to identify jews by looking at them, I'm secondarily curious in knowing the features of various other subpopulations especially european ones
I can't think of any textbook which has that kind of info. The best advice would be to study the faces of known Jews. The trick is in the proportions of facial dimensions, though some Jews are hard to spot due to mixing.
Yep, one of the things I looked into recently (mentioned on the daily shoah) is what's called "the semitic smile". It's a way the lips curl on semitic people that gives them a slight smiling look, that euros don't have. It's more distinctive among semites than the famous jew nose. I'd like to know all these features of identifying so not only relying on one (like the nose) but on a few different ones in trying to determine if someone is a jew by eye. In my day-to-day experience I think I meet more Jews than normal whites, and often you can just tell but sometimes it's ambiguous and it would be helpful to know distinguishing features among jews and euros to understand better.
Interesting, I've not heard of the smile. I mostly identify Jews by the traces of admixture you can see in facial proportions. Natural eye I guess.
@JC17-OR is there a name for that? In fact I think I heard someone mention something about almond eyes
Old textbooks would help you, nothing new.
@Joe-MN any suggestions which old textbooks? a lot of the newer stuff seems really autistic about monkeys and stuff I don't care about lol
no idea
go to a library, maybe a university library
find old books online, scanned ones or whatever
just go there might have some texts to read.
Here's an article on faces and ancestry.
Try to look for texts from 70s or before. You could also look up craniometry texts, which may help.
On a slightly related note the DSM II and DSM listed being homo a mental disorder, then they got cucky
Thanks @JC17-OR !
Psychology is for small brains acting like big brains though, they even got rid of p values for their studies
Depends on the field. Analytical psychology still has p-values and statistical analysis, but cultural, social and abnormal have reduced their empiricism drastically.
When I was studying criminology, we didn't review a single study with statistical analysis.
@ThisIsChris I would recommend reading "racial biology of Jews". It's older, but may help you in your endeavors to understand the biology and ancestry of the Jews.
@JC17-OR this is perfect, even without pictures it is very clear, thanks!
Link for the interested:
Anyone here following ZUMA at all?
@Cait_Bradshaw - MA what's that?
It was a Space X satellite that was secretly launched supposedly.
It was a US satellite designed by Northrop Grumman or something
And launched by spacex
Supposedly it "failed"
A problem with second stage separation apparently