Message from @RevStench
Discord ID: 462404878124318730
<@&435155893747974155> can any of you fine people read a blood test chart? I don't fully understand it. And I have a couple of questions.
I get the results of my lead test back on Friday.
What's wrong
Well the other day I got off work, came home and I went to use the restroom and as soon as I sat down my left arm went tingling numb, so I got right up paced a bit then I started to have upper chest pain, so naturally I think I'm starting to have a heart attack or even stroke. So I took 2 Bayer aspirin and went to the ER. As I was walking into the ER my legs were going numb and I was getting light headed, felt like I was about to pass out. But I don't have any conclusive results yet, they did a mess of tests on me, and the doctor thinks as of right now I might have a DVT.
But I have the results of my blood work and they are telling me it looks good, and my blood pressure is ok too. I always figured that a clot would cause the bp to skyrocket. I don't understand it.
About 12 years ago the girl I was dating got a blood clot in her left arm from birth control pills, her arm would swell up with blood and it was very obvious what was going on there, but I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Chest got really tight, I never had any trouble breathing but my arm stayed numb with out the tingling. Lightheadedness, lower back pain, legs going numb. It's strange. But I was wondering if anyone understood what everything on these blood test results mean.
What brand of supplements do you use? I'm running low on some of mine, which are NatureMade brand and CVS generic
@RevStench I'm not a doctor I couldn't tell ya man
Those are signs you shouldn't fuck with though
@RevStench What other tests did you have? What you're describing is really serious medically so they had to have done a binder of tests.
EKG, MRI, lead and standard blood test, everything is coming back good, according to the tests I'm healthy and I have the heart of a thoroughbred.
I'm starting to think I have an overexposure to mold. So on Monday I'm going to have more specific blood work done. Hopefully something will come from that.
Sorry for the blurry picture my hands are shaking a little bit.
I think it just took off the skin it's not bleeding that much .
Get some anti bacterial on that shit
I think you may need stitches
Rub a little dirt on it and walk it off😂
I don't think you need them
Clean that shit out
Clean it out and make sure it's not deeper than it looks, but if it's not pouring blood, I think you'll be ok
lucky you're not bleeding all over the place
@Der Seeteufel - SD that needs stitches
I'm working on cleaning its easier said than done.
I'd be going to urgent care immediately.
I would suggest going to urgent care after cleaning it as well as you can.
I'm not going to the doctor. If anything I'll call my buddy on the fire department to come stitch me up.
Either way it will need to be cleaned very well.
If you went to the urgent care you would be around a bunch of dindus so that may be a good choice
@Der Seeteufel - SD I’ve seen enough wounds in my time to know that one needs stitches.
Better to get it done right and be sure than to fuck about and end up with problems
this is why I'd suggest taking time to learn to suture
It helps when your wife is a PA...
Wash that out asap
Get a bottle of first aid spray wash it very well and bandage
Might not need stitches but can't tell from just pics
I put some hydrogen peroxide on it. And scrubbed it out as best I could on my own. I'm going to head down to the firehall and see what my buddy thinks.
He said the same thing @Louis Loire - NY
@Louis Loire - NY should I use these? It's the only thing I have other than hydrogen peroxide and some antiseptic gel.