Message from @Brandon Ironside- ND

Discord ID: 364784075451531276

2017-09-27 10:17:00 UTC  

@everyone Per @Brandon Ironside- ND 's suggestion, we've created a channel for all members to be able to post articles they've created. Before posting in here, please DM the articles to me for review. Articles can cover pretty much any topic you think would be helpful for others to read.

2017-09-28 05:17:24 UTC  

@Deleted User I will be sending you an article that I am working on called "My Journey From Evangelical Conservatism to the Alt Right".

2017-10-03 14:41:40 UTC  

Self-Improvement and the Alt Right Pt I

One thing that sets the Alt Right apart from other modern American political movements is its emphasis on self-improvement. The far left decries “fat shaming” and promotes “body acceptance” while the far right promotes “chad nationalism” and lifting weights. The far left promotes stifling free speech and associating words with violence while the far right promotes allowing free and open debate of ideas. The far left blames “The 1%” and people who are financially successful for their financial situation. While the system may not be perfect, there really is nowhere easier than America (and the west in general) to gain upward financial mobility. The greater we can make this polarization, the easier it will be for people to make this distinction themselves, and the weak/strong will naturally sort themselves.

• Instead of fat acceptance, go to the gym and get yourself in good physical condition.
• Instead of complaining about the 1% and a rigged system, read entrepreneurial books and consciously work to advance your career. And if you’re going to college, choose a degree that has a good return on your investment like STEM field majors.
• Instead of being at the will of others, learn how to defend yourself via firearms training and martial arts.
• Instead of stifling debate, read books and have meaningful conversations with those that are willing to listen.
• Instead of watching TV, read the Practical Skills Server and develop a well-rounded skills set.

2017-10-03 14:42:03 UTC  

Members of the Alt Right can directly help widen the gap between ourselves and others by becoming the strongest versions of ourselves possible. This will help attract the younger generation when they see the choices presented in front of them: a proud, strong, and atheistically pleasing group of individuals or a guilty, degenerate, undisciplined group. Take a long, hard look at yourself, make corrections, and improve. The Alt Right is in need of high-agency, motivated, and disciplined individuals that can impact change…answer that call. Not only will you personally live a better life, but you will help the movement succeed. Should a time come when you are called on for action, you will be sharp, fit, and effective.

The first step in this process is to have high standards and set goals to meet those standards. I recommend setting goals for your Career, Physical Health, Finances, Spiritual, and Intellectual areas. If you don’t have a perceived ideal for your life you cannot make progress. For every goal start with your end goal in mind, then work backwards each step. Now that we have “the why” explained, the next article in this series will lay out specifically how to set goals.

2017-10-03 14:50:16 UTC  

Self-improvement and Alt Right Pt II

We will now examine one approach to goal-setting you can utilize. Take out a piece of paper and write down your goals for each of the following categories. Hopefully, these questions will help spur your imagination to answer them. This process should be taken seriously and each goal should have a commitment behind it; don’t write down things you are not committed to accomplishing. Your time frame can be short or long term, whatever you feel more comfortable with.

Career – What kind of impact do you want to make with your career? How much money do you want to make? What is your ideal career? Would you like to switch careers? Do you want to own a business one day?
Physical Health – What type of physique do you want to have? Are you able to defend yourself with martial arts? Is your diet plan in a position to help you reach your goals?
Finances – How much money would you like on a monthly basis/lump sum? Do you have a retirement fund? What kind of investments do you have? What is financial independence to you?
Spiritual – What do you believe in? How can you explore that more?
Intellectual – How many books do you read currently? What topics interest you that could be studied more in depth? What new skills are you learning?

2017-10-03 14:50:35 UTC  

I have a binder with dividers in it for each of these categories. I would recommend doing the same, and in each category write out the goals starting with the end goal in mind then work backwards. For example, suppose one of your goals is to hit a 1000-pound powerlifting combo. Find out your starting point (current bench, squat, deadlift max weights) and then the ending point (combination you would need to get 1000 pounds) and make a plan to get there (diet plan, pick a routine, weekly time commitment, gym log). Do this for each category. Remember small action + long time period = big change.

I would also encourage everybody to buy a daily planner. They are 20 dollars, although I would honestly pay 500 for mine considering how useful it is to me. My routine is to sit down every Sunday and plan out my weekly requirements in my planner. Then, every night before bed, I plan out my next day to adapt to my changing schedule. Do this with your goals in mind and a determined long term effort and you will see results.

2017-10-03 20:59:14 UTC  

@Brandon Ironside- ND Awesome read. I get so tired of guys complaining about the JQ, and saying that they can't get anywhere because of them. Do what you can, harness that agency, and make shit good for yourself.

2017-10-03 21:04:10 UTC  

^^^ I mean Jews do ruin everything but you can’t blame them for you’re faults

2017-10-03 21:13:12 UTC  

Blaming the Jews for our failures is like the blacks blaming us for theirs.

One group has a more cohesive society and higher IQ than the other. Of course they will do better. I think the question of whether or not they're actively working to destroy us is up for debate, but whether they're good for us isn't.

2017-10-04 11:41:48 UTC  

I think Jews without a doubt are out to destroy us, given our history in Europe and even here in the early 20th century - antisementism was quite common. Realistically speaking, with the exception of maybe the northeast asians, we are their only legitimate threat. With that said, Jews are certainly a subversive force BUT you can still make it in America and do quite well if you apply yourself. Jews have made it more of an uphill battle but it can still be done. You just have to keep your nose to the grindstone and keep at it

2017-10-04 11:43:25 UTC  

We also need to band together to give ourselves preference when it comes to hiring/firing/promotion decisions and when it relates to which businesses we will patronize.

2018-03-07 21:44:52 UTC  

The "chosen ones" do stick together and embrace identity. I would say that for of most of them thats where it ends. However the higher they go up in monetary gain i believe it directly correlates to subversive behavior against all competition. I believe that if we focused on embracing our identities and being a collective we can achieve real power levels

2018-09-26 00:38:40 UTC  

The surest way to loose a war is to not recognize that you are in it.
The second best is not to see what the sides are.
The third is to claim you are "above it" and remain on the sidelines.

2018-10-01 17:31:42 UTC  

This is a short speech I wrote for my States most recent meet up.

2018-10-01 17:32:11 UTC  

A Strong Foundation

It is safe to say that our civilization is ailing. The cause of these ailments can be attributed to a number of factors, whether they be global conflict, crippling debt, or perhaps the cynical and apathetic zeitgeist that has arisen in the modern Western world. Ultimately these are but symptoms of an even greater affliction; the atomization of our people.

The foundation that our way of life was built upon lies in shambles, and whether it was demolished by outside forces, or has rotted out from under us due to our own neglect is irrelevant at this moment in time. The fact of the matter is that this foundation must be rebuilt first and foremost before anything meaningful or worthwhile can be constructed. This foundation is, of course, our people, our families, and our communities. The seemingly innocuous importance of individualism that has been emphasized ad nauseam is partly to blame for this erosion. While individual responsibility and striving to better oneself are not necessarily detrimental on their own, the blind pursuit of status and material wealth at the expense of building relationships, starting families, and contributing to your community, is tantamount to cultural suicide. As our people have come to accept this modernized version of the rat race as the new normal, many have rationalized declining birth rates and soaring trends in divorces as “progress”. We see through this lie, therefore it is up to us to bear this burden and construct something new in place of what has been lost.

2018-10-01 17:32:34 UTC  

As we rebuild this foundation one luxury we do have is hindsight. We can see what elements allowed great civilizations to rise, and we can see how they collapsed without them. In my opinion one of these vital elements is the nuclear family. The family unit is a microcosm of its greater society, and this is apparent when we compare the American family in its current state to that of the 1950’s. Though often highly romanticized, I am hard pressed to think of a more iconic image of classical Americana than the 1950’s nuclear family. At a time in our history when a family could be supported by a single blue collar income, traditions were upheld, communities were tight knit, and the nation still had a European American supermajority, the nuclear family reflected this. Those who lived through this era recall it fondly, and for those of us who have only experienced it in old films and Norman Rockwell paintings, it seems almost too good to be true. In the current year, now that these values have been eroded away, the modern family is a telltale sign of how far we have fallen as a people. While your average leftist might call this progress, we realize that this is nothing more than a sad and sickening race towards the bottom, and it will not end well for any of us.

Our movement is based on truth and the natural order. In western civilization, the nuclear family is the natural order, and it is a key foundational element that all western nations have built upon. Whether you believe the United States can be saved and rebuilt, or that we must create something new in its place, we cannot deny that the traditional family unit will play a key part in this effort.

2018-10-01 17:46:10 UTC  

Excellent composition, dude. Very good point. Anti-fragility and identity require community.

2018-10-01 17:47:41 UTC  
2018-10-01 17:49:51 UTC  

I very much believe that since IE has this idea of community at its core we will do great things in the future

2018-10-01 17:53:22 UTC  

agreed. "Normalize the Radicals to radicalize the normals."

2018-10-01 17:54:17 UTC  

Ooo I like that one

2018-10-01 17:54:45 UTC  

Full disclosure I didn't make that up

2018-10-01 17:55:00 UTC  

I heard it on "Helicopter Mom" lol