Message from @shinjitsu
Discord ID: 439566456452153345
who is this?
i work for the FBI new zealand branch
party rockers in the house tonighttt
What the hell did you people do?
Party rock is in the hou
how many levels of loser are you on?
Se tonight
i have over a thousand
people add me
cuz i am high steam level
i knew my poo posting would be the catalyst to something far greater
new card, whaddya think? @Punished Bob
Braap and rape posting
Nick got mad at you so he shut it down
People have to stop with the rape posting
Very gay
You fucked up Gring
dirt kevin is fucked
Greg - <:grug:420405237019443203>
What’d Kevin do?
he rape post too many times
I would NOT rape her 😉 😉
Can’t look at a hot girl posted without being concerned it’s a trap
is this the new general