Message from @StrawberryArmada
Discord ID: 481917889922859008
Yes and I can't tell if it's intentional or not
is this irony or salt?
Salt disguised as irony is still just salt
"Front hole" 😂
we should have never defunded the mental asylums
I want my language back! NOW
>vagina is no longer gender inclusive
>no longer
>it ever was
The Sweden Democrats are seen slipping in various polls with only two weeks until the next election. Sweden is irreversibly doomed. In other news, the ocean is salty and water is wet.
SD are the Sweden Democrats.
Sweden yes!
What were they polling at around the last election?
@Jacob They were polling between 10-12%. The actual result was 12.9% in 2014.
They're the third biggest party
Okay so they're not doing too bad
They could pull an AFD this election
@StrawberryArmada They were last time too.
They're certainly on the up and up
They've dropped.
It's still a huge gain?
With the past week or two.
Any gain is a gain
I agree.
Think about how wrong our poles were?
Now imagine that on steroids
The media in Sweden makes ours look like the word of god
so the SD are the gud guys?
The Social Democrats, Moderates, and Greens will all lose seats though. So that's somewhat redeeming.
@Goose The best among those that have the chance.
Social Democrats are the ones mostly responsible for the mess
If they lose seats
The opposition will have more
It's neck and neck. The Alliance will surely overtake them
@StrawberryArmada I'd like to think they perform better than the polls say, especially considering the stigma faced by nationalists in Sweden.
@StrawberryArmada The Alliance includes the Liberals and the Center Party.
Still better than the red-green-red alliance.
Yea the Greens and Socialist run the gov but