Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 482048724671922207
why be afraid when the world has taken the most important thing from you???
if you think about it, liberalism is like a plague enabling only the strong to survive
they also never took land from any blacks, i think it was like 100 years before they encountered any tribe of any size
in the area they settled...then the blacks came in droves when they heard about all the cool stuff the whites built...
sound familiar?
@Goose. I was hoping that they might have been conservative or at least moderate.
But I guess it's better a liberal was lost.
Just bizarre to see their reaction.
She had some anti-white Tweets...look where that got her.
Sacrificed on the altar of diversity.
Oh man this research on the Tower of Babel is gold. Did you know that Babel is a translation of a Hebrew word that means to "jumble or confuse"? and that the men who ordered the construction of the tower were either Nimrod a Jewish tyrant, or Joktan the Prince of the Semites? Yess Jesse, the Children of the Lie function best in the confused jumbled and rootless cosmopolitan societies like the Tower of Babel.
Once the people catch on to their usury....
#110 when?
Yeah multiples of 5 are always nice
btw nimrod = hunter
bugs bunny is responsible for people thinking it meant "fool" sincehe called elmer fudd that
*the more you know*
Honestly, I wonder who #110 will be? It seems Germany is importing quite a bit of people who hate and will openly attack the Children of the Lie. Germany just can't seem to help themselves.
interesting, i thought it was something akin to fool myself! Damn cartoons!
Is Santa not real too?
Elmer Fudd is a hunter, Bugs Bunny calls him a Nimrod, people don't get the reference, meaning lost forever...
*Answers to mysteries I've never asked hours*
What else, fam?
We didn't make Tibbets or Steinle public figures, open border advocates did.
@Asatru Artist - MD. Just saw those.
Apparently Mike Pompeo is pretty good
Anyone up for VC?
I'm on monument patrol tonight for the next hour or so
God bless you brother
I’m definitely down for some Vc In 10-15
@Mint Viking good stuff
Alright shoot
Trump actually naming "white farmers" is the best news I've heard in weeks. I've wanted him to "name the whites" for a long time.
And right on time, all the anti-whites come out of the woodwork, exposing themselves and their agenda.
Subtlety? What's that? <:teehee:381917632359563264>
I’m very glad he finally did it.
We have Researchers at my University from China, or India, who only hire people from China or India to work in their labs. There are entire labs with more than a dozen lab workers, post docs, lab techs and they are all Chinese or Indian. Can you imagine what would happen if a white Professor did that and only hired white students to work in his/her lab?? he/she would go straight to HR. it's hard to see stuff like that.