Message from @Sherlock
Discord ID: 483091834449428481
But race is a social construct!!!!!!!
He response was litterally just; "Well I think increased competition will only make things better."
How do you get through to these people
@Ben Rainsford - OH Scholarships that your white children are at a disadvantage to get due to affirmative action...
it isn't competition when one person gets crippled
The cult of competition. They promise to work overtime so long as everyone else has to.
It's a competition to the bottom. Gov is going to subsidize and help out the lowest common denominator because of their race. Competition ceases being good when it's stacked against you
The Democrats have accelerated that race to the bottom over the past 8-10 years.
And especially in the past 2.
@Ben Rainsford - OH I think the racial aspect is really critical. Until they understand the importance of race, they can pretty easily rationalize anything else
That's going to be hard. He's one of those civ nat types who loved Trump, but only after Ben Carson dropped out of the race.
Some people are just suckers in all honesty
@Ben Rainsford - OH I was a CivNat Trump supporter...don't count them out. (I was a Rand guy though...not Carson)
I don’t waste my time with them
The reason it bothers so much is because during the election he felt like the one guy who would openly support Trump with me. We went to rallies together, did the whole bit.
it was civnat 'Murica....not racial for him obviously
once someone realizes we are tribal people (esp non whites), it all makes sense
its getting them there that is like pulling teeth (or just downright losing them)
Civnat is a good start. The question is whether he is even civnat
So that’s something
yeah, i'm sure i'm not the only (racially aware) civnat turned Identitarian
I think probably most people kind of go through that process. I liked Thomas Sowell for a while lmao
Rest In Peace JM.
Eventually i realized that Sowell was not honest about race, endorsed race mixing, and cared more about free markets than i ever could
I liked how Ben Carson drove the libs nuts
Our greatest war vet in our countries history.
Of course not as much as Trump, but at the beginning I didn't know much about him
I had been red pilled for a couple years pre-Trump so idk who i wouldve liked if i hadnt been
Maybe Rand Paul
Rand was the only choice before I jumped aboard the Trump train.
I'm not sure who I would have voted for if Trump hadn't ran. If I did vote in the election at all, it would have been to "vote against" Hillary
I liked Cruz before Trump entered the picture
idk I had been so dissillusioned with politics since the Republican party squashed Rick Santorum and Ron Paul in 2012 that my only political position was to troll the libs
John McCain was as anti-White and anti-American as the most far left radical Democrat. He was the epitome of a neocon and a warmonger.
i'm sure many people voted against Hillary, not "for" Trump....but I'll take it.
And i really liked Rick Santorum but I knew he had zero chance of winning
Just remember: thousands of people voted for a dead gorilla and Paris Hilton, so you weren't alone... @ThisIsChris 😆
@Asatru Artist - MD True, a lukewarm vote counts as much as an enthusiastic vote
I basically gas lighted and bombarded my roommate with every negative thing I could find about Hilldawg. He didn't vote Trump, but he did vote write in. A plus was enough of what I said got to his gf and she voted for Jill Stein instead of Hilary