Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 487052802212888577
Should've just erased that 'hunter' with a sharpie and replaced with something more apropos like... 'killer' or 'I don't give a damn'
He made a joke and said the hat would’ve been okay if it said “ISIS recruiter”
He's probably right. <:sad:366743316475281408>
@NITRODUBS sounds like the average corporate environment lol
New Myth20 dropped on YouTube, address the progressive era 👌
stolen content but worth the repost in here
Totally correct. They haven't conserved anything, just slowed it down.
He’s mostly aware of HBD, I’d wager
tbh they all are
whether they care or not is a different subject
It's just noteworthy now that he's indirectly promoting the message like this
Marco Rubio vs Alex Jones?
Nevermind just commenting on it.
My money's on Jones
_if_ it came down to a fight, of course
Jones has weight behind a punch
I don't know if Rubio can throw a punch
Jones looks like a sweaty rabid Texan out for revenge.
@Deleted User can throw a punch for sure tho lol.
@Sam Anderson no u
I mean we can find out this weekend and I can teach you some more BJJ @Deleted User
Can we practice full contact standing and ground fighting after y'all show me the ropes more, that seems useful
Are you just slap fighting now? 🤔
Who's mans is this? ^
Fight with us, Asatru!
"a sweaty rabid texan"
Them male vitality drinks do a number on a guy
Bring back fireside elevator music
Is boss here tonight?
@Deleted User I've got gear, but you guys are hella far from me. Took @Bjorn - MD and I 2.5 hours to get there last time. <:sad:366743316475281408>
Bossmans here
Yes @micbwilli
Hooray. 😀
I'm here from WV.