Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 487054365006495766
Totally correct. They haven't conserved anything, just slowed it down.
He’s mostly aware of HBD, I’d wager
tbh they all are
whether they care or not is a different subject
It's just noteworthy now that he's indirectly promoting the message like this
Marco Rubio vs Alex Jones?
Nevermind just commenting on it.
My money's on Jones
_if_ it came down to a fight, of course
Jones has weight behind a punch
Now I get it.
I don't know if Rubio can throw a punch
Jones looks like a sweaty rabid Texan out for revenge.
@Deleted User can throw a punch for sure tho lol.
@Sam Anderson no u
I mean we can find out this weekend and I can teach you some more BJJ @Deleted User
Can we practice full contact standing and ground fighting after y'all show me the ropes more, that seems useful
Are you just slap fighting now? 🤔
Who's mans is this? ^
Fight with us, Asatru!
"a sweaty rabid texan"
Them male vitality drinks do a number on a guy
Bring back fireside elevator music
Is boss here tonight?
@Deleted User I've got gear, but you guys are hella far from me. Took @Bjorn - MD and I 2.5 hours to get there last time. <:sad:366743316475281408>
Bossmans here
Yes @micbwilli
Hooray. 😀
I'm here from WV.
Y'all have internet over there?
TX represent
I'm going to send you our local server invite. @Singleton Mosby WV
To your email, that is
Have you guys tried the ethno burger yet?
Is it kosher?