Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 491019094842408960
I still play RPGs sometimes. For the compelling stories of course. I also enjoy grinding levels while listening to podcasts. But I agree, it is mostly a waste of time.
If video games don't have the power to alter people for the better, I call that the fault of the author and not the medium. Were the studios not run by communist and nihilist swine, I dare say they could rise to the level of great art.
Yeah, I've always felt that Garry's Mod really spoke to the human spirit
Skyrim was the last hurrah and felt like an opera
Skyrim for the Nords!
PF actually has a good amount of postering on their twitter.
This example has to be at least a couple months old, interesting to see it worn down like that
Yeah, I was surprised to see it. This was right outside of a university so I didn't think any flyer would last that long.
Those PF guys should just join IE.
My sticker outside a high school had been there for like a year
Over a year, I think, actually
They really should. I’ve talked to a couple who probably wouldn’t make it in the application process, though.
Not that I’m any kind of judge of that, considering I haven’t made it the whole way 😂
@NateDahl76 you can tell. The interactions we have had with the PF types have generally resulted in them doing some LARPy thing from what I have heard.
Like taking some creative license to the tip amount on a restaurant tab...
A lot of PF is people who were/would be rejected by IE. I'm sure some could make the cut, but I'm not sure many could abide by our server rules and guidebook
@Sam Anderson I just made the keyframe location of an element of a video I'm working on rn that larpy tip amount just for you. 👌🏻
@Asatru Artist - MD PF activism takes many forms apparently
Every member of PF i have talked to has lauded IE
PF can do their thing, IE does ours. No reason to conflict or overlap. We want similar worlds, different roads. Of course for branding, and a different target demographic, IE needs to behave differently and that's fine.
Their flyers are interesting too. Agreed @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Same with TRS and stormer book clubs. They appeal to different types of people and make them productive to the extent that they can be.
Fellow travellers
I still think we need to concentrate capital as much as possible. But that doesn’t mean countersignalling ofc
And yeah- their leader designs all the propaganda and stuff. Dude is almost totally out of the spotlight
There's some crossover appeal between TRS, PF, and us, but even if we didn't serve different purposes, consolidating into one group wouldn't be great strategy
Because any scandal or lawsuit could bring the whole movement down at once (though I'm confident we'll win the Charlottesville suit)
True. The "movement" is antifragile when decentralized. Too much concentrated leadership is a broken crate away from disaster.
Saul Alinski wrote that it's easier to destroy the person than the idea and it's true. Part of why the alt-right label lost its magic was that it went from a big tent to Richard Spencer's personal movement then he ran it into the ground
I see PF as a friendly rivalry, it's good to have someone to compete against
The more people talk about the farm murders, the better.
Another point with PF is that they make us look more moderate by comparison. It's always good to have someone to your right pulling the Overton Window towards you.
How is white America doing tonight?
Today was a good day. Went to the shooting range with my oldest son today, gave to some good causes, mini date with my wife and she bought me a pipe.