Message from @ophiuchus
Discord ID: 491083443669827584
he always says that when he's talking to someone
"hey what's going on big guy?"
Lol yeah that’s actually a reference to MDE/ Sam Hyde that he’s using
oh I remember that now
million dollar extreme
@NateDahl76 2070 paradigm shift should get an oscar
@micbwilli wholesome? Can't go wrong with Studio Ghibli
Just not grave of fireflies
I've already watched most of them.
Howl’s moving castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, all comfy
I just like watching how they do backgrounds
They are super comfy.
I remember seeing Princess Mononoke 15 years ago. I think it was the first DVD I ever owned.
I just got done with 3 hours worth of studying, and I'm pretty sure my brain is short-circutting
Comfy childhood memories
Finna boutta become an uncle
Oosh. That sounds...awful.
What did you study?
Ah, just some stuff on motor development in children
Plus some stuff that dealt with the cerebellum, which I'm thankful that I'm already well aware of due to the neurology class I took last year
It's really interesting stuff that will translate well into what I want to do career wise though
So it isn't as dreadful as my English classes were
english classes are often dreadful
will have to agree with you there
Freshman English classes are miserable
Useless busywork which boils down to just “are you capable of conducting a train of thought for 3 pages?”
The answer for a lot of people is no, apparently
I liked mine. We had to make a movie for our final project. We did a modern version of The Wife of Bath.
She was one of the more interesting Canterbury tales individuals
We had a part with a fog machine and Stranglehold by Ted Nugent.
We just got to peer-review a lot of papers written at a solid 5th grade level
peer reviews suck
many people who can't write submit their papers, and your job is to tell them nicely that they suck