Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 491668170495754240
Being confident and assertive is more important then physical features. Girls expect you to take the initiative and win them over.
Confidence is absolutely key.
You can't expect girls to make the first move, you have to
confidence is key not just to attract a spouse, but to also get that promotion
Having tall friends doesn’t help.
Mfw am 5'11, one inch short from the tall master race
Gotta make every move and escalate those moves at the right times to succeed
Unless it's a woman who wants to be a man that you're courting of course
Aesthetics help of course. I gained a little bit of weight and girls weren’t interested, lost it and gained muscle and now they are more so than before
Planning on joining future Business Leaders of America, anyone know if its a decent place to find /ourguys/ at all?
ACLU is looking for legal observers in South Dakota and is holding a training session near where I live. Should I go?
What is a legal observer?
People who go to protests and look for things that they can get nationalists arrested for.
pretty much
The guys in the green hats
most Ive seen are womyn
also work for the right secretly
I don't know if I'll have time to go because it starts at 6 and I'm in the middle of corn harvest but I could ask my boss.
@Goose Yeah, like Blaire White types <:teehee:381917632359563264>
@ThisIsChris Bahahaha!
One is almost inclined to ask, "Where's the lie?" 🤔
Anyone heard about some huge meltdown involving Sargon? Buddy of mine just texted me sperging over it
Yeah, apparently he talked a whole bunch o' smack, and then proceeded to livestream for like an hour on mute 😂
@EverlastingTuck didn't hear about that, but i saw owen troyer on GDL last night
Oh. I don't know anything about that.
Oof I’ll have to set aside two and a half hours later lol, thanks for the link I’ll give it a listen @Bjorn - MD
Is there an official MAGA hat in ball cap form? Or of good quality at least?
Getting my 2020 digs ready
@EverlastingTuck No sweat. In all honesty, Sargon is just so toxic to even dedicate thought to that I only watched snippets.
F, I really need like a baseball cap.
The official one doesn’t look right on me.