Message from @Undercover Academic - IL
Discord ID: 497605361730191370
Clerical Fascism is fascism that involves the church
Looks like catholic fascism
When I clicked the more information link
Oh... I thought it meant like clerical work... It's spelled the same... 😅
It's fun taking these sorts of political quizzes
Personally I'm more of a fan of Myers Briggs myself just for personality quizzes
I've taken it a couple of times because college made me do. It. Seems to score either ENTJ or ENTP
I think most of Chan right is INTJ.
Idk where they'd be
For further speculation though we must consult the star signs
*We're a minority in our own capital city and the police are covering up rape gangs*: I sleep
*Some niBBa drawing an island inside a box*: REAL SHIT
@bspon002 I got similar
Is there not a BAP-pilled or eco-fascist option? 🌲
Typical Jewry
But I’m sure the social hierarchy was simply, but arbitrarily and unjustly, based off the color of their skin
@Undercover Academic - IL I got Labor Zionism the first try, too
@Jacob sneaky bastards
Labor Zionism sounds like an oxymoron.
HeelTurn has its LARPY moments, but mentions "White Identitarianism" frequently in reference to chosing your own people first. The 2.0 dudes are taking our cues IMO.
Oh boy another hell test
@sigruna14 @Undercover Academic - IL
What's going on, big guys? <:thinkplant:359034245777457173> <:thinkplant:359034245777457173> <:thinkplant:359034245777457173>
Mattis is the Saint of not giving a shit. A modern day Marcus Aurelius, Actually, Mattis carries around a copy of "meditations" by Marcus Aurelius with him.
Even my shitlib brother likes him.
Marcus Aurelius did nothing wrong
@Sam Anderson He is the real deal.
@Sam Anderson does he really?
Cool af if so
Hi guys I’m new here. I’ve had my first interview, waiting for 2nd
Welcome to the finest Identitarian org in the country. <:deye:359010025223618570> @Cell_Technician
What do I do now? How do I support?