Message from @bspon002
Discord ID: 497597412878319616
Somehow I'm a communist and an Odalist at the same time.
Lmao that sure is something
Please tell me a reborn doll is not what I think it is. These aren't a replacement for a child that died is it. I seriously will not be able to sleep.
@micbwilli no. It’s the new cat lady/pit mommy.
Idk it’s so creepy.
@sigruna14 what is this from
Stalin is less Communist in the traditional meaning. He ran the bolsheviks out and was a statist, rather than a move towards a global overturn towards a stateless society that is unattainable. @sigruna14
Is this site gathering our info to use against us later? 🤔
Well by golly, guess it's NazBol Gang time for me, then.
Gang gang!! 😀
I think NazBol is listed as a bad optics thing in our new rules. The flag looks pretty risqué.
Just took it
Is Clerical Facism the same as Bureaucrat Gang? 🤔
Idk I didn't click it
Clerical Fascism is fascism that involves the church
Looks like catholic fascism
Oh... I thought it meant like clerical work... It's spelled the same... 😅
It's fun taking these sorts of political quizzes
Personally I'm more of a fan of Myers Briggs myself just for personality quizzes
I've taken it a couple of times because college made me do. It. Seems to score either ENTJ or ENTP
I think most of Chan right is INTJ.
Idk where they'd be
For further speculation though we must consult the star signs
*We're a minority in our own capital city and the police are covering up rape gangs*: I sleep
*Some niBBa drawing an island inside a box*: REAL SHIT
@bspon002 I got similar
Is there not a BAP-pilled or eco-fascist option? 🌲
Typical Jewry
Of course
But I’m sure the social hierarchy was simply, but arbitrarily and unjustly, based off the color of their skin
@Undercover Academic - IL I got Labor Zionism the first try, too