Message from @fgtveassassin

Discord ID: 499406892888752130

2018-10-10 01:47:06 UTC  

I wonder if the meme pressured her into doing it. I know her lawyers have sued over the fake quote memes

2018-10-10 01:47:19 UTC  

*Extremely Sargon voice* The alt-right really th-*scripted laughter* really thought taylor swift was pro-MAGA *more scripted laughter*

2018-10-10 01:47:38 UTC  


2018-10-10 01:48:57 UTC  

yeah, but it gets the point across to anyone that isn't autistic about race/ethnicity @Nemets

2018-10-10 01:49:10 UTC  

Aryan = Blonde to normies.

2018-10-10 01:54:09 UTC  

Pretty big deal.

2018-10-10 01:54:29 UTC  

Send to friends and fam

2018-10-10 02:01:45 UTC  

wait... what have i missed tonight ? i feel left out... or was it just a new pledges orientation. too much going on, i can't keep up

2018-10-10 02:04:28 UTC  

@Grayson just pledge orientation

2018-10-10 02:04:37 UTC  

oh ok cool .. thank you

2018-10-10 02:10:39 UTC A great explanation of our current predicament.

2018-10-10 02:12:32 UTC  
2018-10-10 02:13:18 UTC  

Is that the hotep alliance?

2018-10-10 02:16:31 UTC  

That black and white bicep embraced meme with boer's and zulu's and saving the boer

2018-10-10 02:17:20 UTC  

@Undercover Academic - IL @Jacob
Since joining IE, I have gone significantly more Authoritarian and slightly further right. <:nervous:359009898115104770>
I was about 4 boxes down into Libertarian and one box from the center right.

2018-10-10 02:21:51 UTC  

Secret antifa <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-10-10 02:22:59 UTC  

Pretty sure that site skews left a little bit

2018-10-10 02:23:43 UTC  

If it skews left, I'm even further right. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-10-10 02:24:00 UTC  

I always thought it put me a bit too "radical centrist", but I just went with it.

2018-10-10 02:24:41 UTC  

Was a little more left libertarian a few years ago though so I'm making progress

2018-10-10 02:26:40 UTC

2018-10-10 02:27:05 UTC  

What is this cancer

2018-10-10 02:27:09 UTC  

Julius Caesar

2018-10-10 02:27:13 UTC  

Identity Centrism

2018-10-10 02:27:55 UTC

2018-10-10 02:28:01 UTC  


2018-10-10 02:28:02 UTC  

Away from me cucks

2018-10-10 02:28:21 UTC  

Secret antifa ^

2018-10-10 02:28:35 UTC  

lol wut

2018-10-10 02:28:40 UTC  

all the political compass memes just list my section as some variation of queer Feels Bad

2018-10-10 02:29:01 UTC  

Maybe itโ€™s a sign

2018-10-10 02:29:05 UTC

2018-10-10 02:29:24 UTC  

I don't like big business mucking up my lakes and forests

2018-10-10 02:29:27 UTC  

Now I am a communist

2018-10-10 02:29:28 UTC  

man, more of you lean left than i would have thought (hoped)

2018-10-10 02:30:09 UTC  

Banks are gay

2018-10-10 02:30:13 UTC  


2018-10-10 02:30:22 UTC  

so are trans national corps

2018-10-10 02:30:28 UTC  

>anti-free trade/global unrestricted capitalist hegemony
>ok you're stalin

2018-10-10 02:30:53 UTC  

i mean anti-free trade is a bit...commie isn't it?