Message from @Asatru Artist - MD

Discord ID: 500692549644582922

2018-10-13 12:38:22 UTC  

Wake up, turn on fox, see Dave Rubin shilling against White Americans, angrily yell at TV, irritate parents, go make more coffee

2018-10-13 12:39:04 UTC  

The level of audacity to shill like that with a straight face is insane to me

2018-10-13 12:39:25 UTC  

What is Jewish taqiyya called

2018-10-13 12:46:41 UTC  

Jesus now its Omar Navarro, baste Latino in California

2018-10-13 12:47:33 UTC  

I didn’t watch fox or tv at all for so long after waking up. I assumed it would be better than this. No wonder even the normie conservatives are so limp wristed wew

2018-10-13 13:02:51 UTC  

@Sam Southern - TN
Calm down big fella 😉

2018-10-13 13:04:58 UTC  

Drinking morning coffee while shouting at the news...
@Sam Southern - TN

2018-10-13 13:05:18 UTC  

I'm only on my first coffee, I'll get there

2018-10-13 14:08:19 UTC  

Was doing some overtime today, cleaning robots and listening to red elephants. Coworker comes over to me and says, “aren’t you 19? And you listen to talk radio?”

It’s almost as if caring about your country falling apart isn’t specific to age or something.

2018-10-13 14:51:55 UTC  

We are all old people at heart with our beliefs.

2018-10-13 14:58:43 UTC  

Good morning!

2018-10-13 15:07:41 UTC  

Med gang flexing lately

2018-10-13 15:10:54 UTC  

Oh another <#359019358204198926>

2018-10-13 15:11:40 UTC  

Zulu gang has apparently drawn out the mysterious correlation between not having farms, and starvation. Its learning.

2018-10-13 15:11:44 UTC  


2018-10-13 15:31:17 UTC  

Zulu King wants to protect his inherited land from expropriation

2018-10-13 15:33:26 UTC  

Yeah, the Zulu care nothing for the whites, this is a move to protect themselves.

2018-10-13 15:46:46 UTC  

The Zulu were way more into colonization than the Boer

2018-10-13 16:08:47 UTC  

I just saw a voting matters ad on YouTube, it's funny how they are supposed to be bipartisan but everyone in the ad said they were voting for things like "common sense gun laws" and the lgbtqaaxkxnsid+ community

2018-10-13 16:10:23 UTC  

"The Jewish connection with modern Freemasonry is an established fact everywhere manifested in its history. The Jewish formulas employed by Freemasonry, the Jewish traditions which run through its ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin, or to the work of Jewish contrivers . . . . Who knows but behind the Atheism and desire of gain which impels them to urge on Christians to persecute the Church and destroy it, there lies a hidden hope to reconstruct their Temple, and in the darkest depths of secret society plotting there lurks a deeper society still which looks to a return to the land of Judah and to the re- building of the Temple of Jerusalem?"
Pope Leo XIII

2018-10-13 17:41:03 UTC  

So guess who's looting up Panama City and shooting people who are defending their families and homes from invaders?


2018-10-13 17:43:01 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:43:29 UTC  

poor and disenfranchised?

2018-10-13 17:43:49 UTC  
2018-10-13 17:44:01 UTC  

"To the extent that it matters, I'm not gay."

2018-10-13 17:44:28 UTC  


2018-10-13 18:04:17 UTC  

Are they trying to say white ppl are invincible

2018-10-13 18:09:14 UTC  

These Kanye West appearances on Kimmel and at the White House are great.

The media telling reddit-tier viewers that he is going insane is going to backfire not just with blacks but with whites who actually watch these.

Kanye is just a philosophically-inclined contrarian entertainer which is something people love.

2018-10-13 18:09:28 UTC  

He sounds like he's really anxious on Kimmel and Kimmel is just bullying him openly.

2018-10-13 18:24:45 UTC  


2018-10-13 18:27:28 UTC  

I have way too much dairy

2018-10-13 18:46:37 UTC  

No such thing.

2018-10-13 19:28:52 UTC

2018-10-13 19:29:55 UTC  

FINALLY some good news!

2018-10-13 19:30:30 UTC  

Can't wait to start pushing for federal anti-gamer legislation.

2018-10-13 19:31:45 UTC  

gamers under attack again