Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 446303547181760513

2018-05-16 13:15:44 UTC  

@Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Go to /r/virgins, it's pretty much the same shit but with heavy doses of white nationalism

2018-05-16 13:15:50 UTC  

It's shit now

2018-05-16 13:15:56 UTC  

Well it was always shit but

2018-05-16 13:16:31 UTC  

Leftwing activists go there and are super racist on purpose to slide threads

2018-05-16 13:16:55 UTC  

Push the hating Jordan Peterson narrative

2018-05-16 13:17:29 UTC  

It's pretty obvious but Americans usually respond and turn the thread into a shitfest

2018-05-16 13:17:48 UTC  

It's actually pretty annoying seeing the American flag reply to obvious

2018-05-16 13:17:50 UTC  


2018-05-16 13:17:56 UTC  


2018-05-16 13:21:55 UTC  

What is /pol/?

2018-05-16 13:22:14 UTC  

Condensed faggotry

2018-05-16 13:22:32 UTC  

You should go there

2018-05-16 13:22:44 UTC  

Well I don't belong there by the way you described it

2018-05-16 13:23:29 UTC  

Don't have to belong there, to realize what it is

2018-05-16 13:25:07 UTC  

If you can get past the horrid interface

2018-05-16 13:26:59 UTC  

Ok I will check it out and I will let you know what I think of it @Mal

2018-05-16 13:27:06 UTC  

Thank you for offering that

2018-05-16 13:30:19 UTC  

Does that come with white privilege too? @franti

No, cus it doesn't exist. πŸ˜„

2018-05-16 13:38:12 UTC  

@Deleted User I think if straight white males have 100 privilege points, than straight black males have 70 points, and other black people have 50 or less

2018-05-16 13:38:35 UTC  

So straight black males have more privilege than other blacks

2018-05-16 13:38:37 UTC  

Straight black males are the white people of black people

2018-05-16 13:39:14 UTC  

Yeah because they have at least 20 privilege points more than any other type of blacks

2018-05-16 13:39:33 UTC  

They're imploding

2018-05-16 13:39:42 UTC  

The inquisition begins

2018-05-16 13:45:38 UTC  

@franti <:GWnanamiCoconaSweat:402866237853401100> <:GWnanamiMonokumaSweat:405043534677147659>

2018-05-16 13:51:23 UTC  


2018-05-16 13:58:04 UTC  

Google employees be like "ah shit, it's a living meme"

2018-05-16 13:59:04 UTC  

But isn't "Google HQ" in CA?

2018-05-16 14:09:32 UTC  

**ΝΡγρΡων Αριος#3779** was cleansed from the server.

2018-05-16 14:10:00 UTC  

didnt last long

2018-05-16 14:15:20 UTC  

He shall now return to his home server, declaring mission accomplished

2018-05-16 14:15:33 UTC  


2018-05-16 14:15:37 UTC