Discord ID: 249620036904419330
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you can have mods on a switch?
i wonder if anyone would get any of it
i think they are trying to say 8th amendment is basically nazi. this is why they took the british nazi flag and painted on it 'strike for repeal', as if to say 'repeal the facist amendment'
when did i get 685 exp?
how did i get 685 exp?
Honestly, considering the charges i think she should get worth than just arrested. But i guess it's much better than nothing, which is the usual
@ฯบ14แ You have the videos?
@radeon these are your guns?
you have a pink pistol?
That's an m4
I don't have anything else
Honestly this is probably the most effective anti-gun propogenda i have ever seen
i cant really speak
but im here
Its stil an ad oninem
it doesnt matter if he smokes
it doesnt matter if he doesnt know what he is talking about
the argument stand on its own
im sober
i have a mic
but everyones sleepig
not neccecerly
a lot of succecfull people smoke weed
weither its becouase or despite of it...
@Deleted User what about that guy from wolf of wall street?
@Deleted User wouldnt he be able to do it now?
after hes been smoking?
@meratrix we had like a 300 massages long argument
well if you 1000
maybe it was 1000
it was pretty damn long
banning porn
they wanted to ban porn
i didnt
pound = 2.5k gram?
its not
1000 sheckels?
pound is around 500
have sheckel
what the hell heppend there?
on the warsky stream i mean
i keep seeing it everywhere
ืชืกืืืจ ืืช ืื
where can i buy the hottest jew in the hoven?
i would legit buy it
i like how the jews in israel are as high as europe and america but everyone else brings us down
im gonna be back in like 20 mins
and ill speak
what's #pemburyweaponsweep?
delete this
And why does an American use Kilometers for measurement?
In experience Europeans really aren't more civilized than Americans on the Internet
Americans also have a reputation for being really really stupied
But again not more than Europeans in my experience
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