Message from @Gumbo - AZ

Discord ID: 505556612094623754

2018-10-27 01:29:05 UTC  

@Nemets the main argument was that silver was more accessible to commoners, but introducing silver to the reserve was the main kickstart for deflation in the greenback

2018-10-27 01:30:53 UTC  

grover cleveland was one of our most consequential presidents, but he was swept under the rug of american history

2018-10-27 01:31:08 UTC  

I haven't read Ian Fletcher's book

2018-10-27 01:31:54 UTC  

@Reinhard Wolff Its interesting, He talks about the folly of free trade, I beleive the honorable Dr. Fuentes had him on his show not too long ago.

2018-10-27 01:32:22 UTC  

@Nemets that's correct. that's why i would indict greed as the culprit against our own best interest.

2018-10-27 01:32:28 UTC  

*the Honorable Dr. Fuentes

2018-10-27 01:32:40 UTC  

@Logan My apologies

2018-10-27 01:34:30 UTC  


2018-10-27 01:35:23 UTC  

@Nemets necessary doesn't follow, it just facilitated quicker growth, which was the engine for global growth, and much of the problems we have today - economic accelerationism

2018-10-27 01:35:52 UTC  

i guess so, but it doesn't really matter anymore now, does it? lol

2018-10-27 01:36:17 UTC  

we have such a shitshow on our hands to try to manage, there's no way to put the toothpaste back in the tube

2018-10-27 01:36:55 UTC  

that's why fascism is basically destined, whether from the right or from the left... it's unsustainable

2018-10-27 01:38:14 UTC  

Fascism in general is alien to the american political culture, more broadly any anglo country and for that reason alone it will never be realized

2018-10-27 01:38:46 UTC  

global growth peaked about a month ago, we're going to see sharp declines in our economy and emerging markets as well... it's going to be the pretext for drastic political action

2018-10-27 01:39:42 UTC  

Political movements are shaped by their historical, cultural, economic, religious, and political climates. Ours will have similarities to previous nationalist movements, but will ultimately differ in some ways.

2018-10-27 01:40:41 UTC  

Those who are attempting to fully recreate past movements are cargo culting – they believe that going through the motions will achieve the same effect.

2018-10-27 01:41:17 UTC  

a fools errand

2018-10-27 01:41:19 UTC  

"Let's create an Orthodox Christian socialist monarchy in Appalachia!" -- good luck

2018-10-27 01:41:29 UTC  

the main attribute to consider is applying authenticity to future political aims, or else it will only increase the velocity of the spin cycle of history

2018-10-27 01:41:43 UTC  

I don’t think fascism is American either but there are plenty of fasces in the architecture and art in DC. Once you look you’ll notice.

2018-10-27 01:42:21 UTC  

we MUST root out corruption in all forms, or it doesn't really matter because it will only be another revolution - we need an EVOLUTION to escape this churn cycle

2018-10-27 01:43:14 UTC  

Can you spot it?

2018-10-27 01:43:21 UTC  

@VinceChaos very true, take a look at this pictorial I have

2018-10-27 01:44:09 UTC  

america financed and supported the rise of fascism, it's deeply embedded in our history

2018-10-27 01:44:38 UTC  

that doesn't mean it's the same or similar to past historical movements

2018-10-27 01:46:32 UTC  

The Fasces is a great symbol with deep and important meaning, together we are stronger,

2018-10-27 01:50:03 UTC  


2018-10-27 01:50:25 UTC  

This is a very educational conversation, but I do wish there were a more condensed educational channel.

2018-10-27 01:51:53 UTC  

every channel is educational
t. Confucius

2018-10-27 01:51:57 UTC  

@Gumbo - AZ "america" financed many revolutions and movements including the bolshevik overthrow of russia

2018-10-27 01:53:00 UTC  

the best way to imagine general is like the bar from cheers

2018-10-27 01:53:04 UTC  

only we have no Norm

2018-10-27 01:53:06 UTC  

Join skills & academics server

2018-10-27 01:55:09 UTC  

where is that @Valaska ? i asked about it the otherday but i don't see it

2018-10-27 01:55:15 UTC  

@Natasha - PA don't get your hopes up.

2018-10-27 01:55:24 UTC  

wait wait that's a great idea @Reinhard Wolff

2018-10-27 01:55:30 UTC  

he wasn't serious

2018-10-27 01:55:44 UTC  

why I'm down

2018-10-27 01:55:50 UTC