Message from @VinceChaos
Discord ID: 507043313342480394
Deleting what
Too late. Totally didn’t see that.
Dads miss nothing. Don’t cha know.
Carpool with dunnski
IE baby clothing line is actually profitable at this time. Thanks to pro natal right wing males.
that'd be really cute no sarcasm
Can anyone sew them?
TBH when I have a kid I will put stickers on him/her and troll activism photos from time to time.
It’s pretty easy to use a sewing machine. Just gotta make the clothing templates.
Can we do a homeschooling class with IE kids only?
Isn't that already being done
Wait, really?
If you marry a normie I doubt that would ever fly
Identitarian homeschooling for the earlier grades would make great sense. That is all part of community building.
I would not marry or date a normie.
The red pill is both a blessing and a curse.
@Trashboat >racemixing
I said normie
or ever again if they have
Are normies even white tho <:thinkplant:359034245777457173>
Yeah, men will marry normies.
That or be single.
@Trashboat normies have predominantly non-human DNA. @Nemets proved it
@virgil white is an ideology 😂
My gf doesn't care about politics and it's great
IE men convert normie women to based women.
Whether she's based or not doesn't really matter tbh
"idc if you are white, i care if you think white" is basically cuckservatism
@Sam Anderson I was actually just talking to my mother in law about making dragons eye patches and sewing them on onesies for all the IE babies
Cuckservative White nationalism
It matters, if my wife/mother of my children wasnt on the same page as me, life would be hard.
Fellas get yourself apolitical gfs
Trashboat has the right idea
Plus women try to change men.
ANd a normie woman would try to shame you.
I've known many women in my time, and none of them was as far right as I am.. In general, they are put off by blunt truth telling. My wife thinks that Trump is "mean." She doesn't somehow see the insane, horrific "meanness" of the Democrats and their (((HANDLERS))). She refuses to admit that the neoCons are hostile, alien cuckoos in our nest. And yet when it comes to the various issues, she agrees with me almost every time. But she votes against her own principles. She is like so many White people who want to avoid the inevitable conflict. There is no such thing as a politician will unite us all. Every politician from here on out will be an identitarian, whether implicitly or openly.
But keep this in mind. When the paradigm changes, as it is and will, women will embrace it.
Of course, men end up changing women.