Message from @Sherlock

Discord ID: 508739965979590656

2018-11-04 20:27:42 UTC  

Wow, what a pair of delightful cuties.

2018-11-04 20:28:01 UTC  

I wanna put something in them wrinkles if ya know what I mean 😏 (moisturizer)

2018-11-04 20:28:02 UTC  

I know 30 year olds who look like that

2018-11-04 20:28:05 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN it seems like unhealthy brain tingles though. I would really strongly suggest meditation instead.

2018-11-04 20:28:24 UTC  

@ThisIsChris Noted.
Any neurologists in IE?

2018-11-04 20:28:40 UTC  

@ThisIsChris I wonder how it could be unhealthy?

2018-11-04 20:29:15 UTC  

Listening to the Tucker Carlson/Adam Corolla podcast. Dude is growing in power, mentioned our coming insect man overlords (the Jbugmen) and also did a pretend anti-White rant with a Black hoodnog accent. Good times

2018-11-04 20:29:18 UTC  

It isn't like it ruins natural brain tingles like porn-etc ruins real sex

2018-11-04 20:29:20 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I think ASMR tingles are like "massaging" your brain with a spikey ball, it's funky and weird so it feels like it's doing something but it's really just weird sensations. Meditation is really relaxing your mind in and out

2018-11-04 20:29:30 UTC  
2018-11-04 20:29:55 UTC  

Anybody take meditation classes or anything?

2018-11-04 20:29:58 UTC  

Thought about doing that

2018-11-04 20:30:05 UTC  
2018-11-04 20:30:17 UTC  

I have been to DBT therapy groups and they make you do meditation

2018-11-04 20:30:21 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:30:25 UTC  

@Sherlock I did, in the end I recommend the Headspace app

2018-11-04 20:30:28 UTC  

Classes for meditation is a bit of an oxymoron

2018-11-04 20:30:47 UTC  

@ThisIsChris cool thanks

2018-11-04 20:30:48 UTC  

First 10 meditation lessons are free, can be played over and over until you want to subscribe to the full package

2018-11-04 20:30:51 UTC  

Is it ifree

2018-11-04 20:30:59 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:31:04 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:31:07 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:31:09 UTC  

It helped me a huge amount with my issues.

2018-11-04 20:31:13 UTC  

It’s on my dad’s phone lol, we’re listening together the car, not totally sure. He got in on his podcast app, the show is called “the Adam carolla show” @Sonic

2018-11-04 20:31:14 UTC  

What are those?

2018-11-04 20:31:23 UTC  

@missliterallywho why is it an oxymoron

2018-11-04 20:31:31 UTC  
2018-11-04 20:31:36 UTC  

Social anxiety and negative thinking. Nothing diagnosed.

2018-11-04 20:31:37 UTC  

Yeah, I wonder how watching damaged and exploited women doing depraved sexual acts could *possibly* be bad for your consciousness, nucleus accumbens and soul. Lmao

2018-11-04 20:31:55 UTC  

classes for meditation is like gym class, there's stuff to learn even though you could learn it in other contexts

2018-11-04 20:31:55 UTC  

"DBT is based upon the biosocial theory and is the first therapy that has been experimentally demonstrated to be generally effective in treating BPD."

2018-11-04 20:32:01 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:32:01 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:32:11 UTC  

BPD is toxic.

2018-11-04 20:32:13 UTC  

But it would be useful for literally any person at all.

2018-11-04 20:32:14 UTC  

Meditation is emptying your mind. Class is filling it.

2018-11-04 20:32:26 UTC  

@ThisIsChris Same with piano lessons... I take them more for the encouragement/accountability than anything else

2018-11-04 20:32:30 UTC  

Fill your mind with emptiness.

2018-11-04 20:32:58 UTC  

@Lawrence - TX that's a nice wheel, yeah that's the idea with the headspace app and the meditation classes I did. It was more "mindfullness" than just meditation